You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 16
K.3 Add Data
There are several ways to write data to Cloud Firestore:
- Set the data of a document within a collection, explicitly specifying a document identifier.
- Add a new document to a collection. In this case, Cloud Firestore automatically generates the document identifier.
- Create an empty document with an automatically generated identifier, and assign data to it later.
This guide explains how to use the write() and add() methods to write data to Cloud Firestore.
To create or overwrite a single document, use the write() method:
var city:Object = {
name: "Los Angeles",
state: "CA",
country: "USA"
var document:DocumentReference = Firestore.collection("cities").document("LA");
document.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_SUCCESS, onDocWriteSuccess);
document.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_FAILURE, onDocWriteFailure);
function onDocWriteSuccess(e:FirestoreEvents):void
var d:DocumentReference = e.target as DocumentReference;
d.removeEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_SUCCESS, onDocWriteSuccess);
d.removeEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_FAILURE, onDocWriteFailure);
trace("Document successfully written!");
function onDocWriteFailure(e:FirestoreEvents):void
var d:DocumentReference = e.target as DocumentReference;
d.removeEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_SUCCESS, onDocWriteSuccess);
d.removeEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_FAILURE, onDocWriteFailure);
trace("Error writing document: " + e.msg);
If the document does not exist, it will be created. If the document does exist, its contents will be overwritten with the newly provided data, unless you specify that the data should be merged into the existing document, as follows:
var city:Object = {
capital: true
var document:DocumentReference = Firestore.collection("cities").document("BJ");
document.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_SUCCESS, onDocWriteSuccess);
document.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_FAILURE, onDocWriteFailure);
var setOptions:SetOptions = new SetOptions();
document.write(city, setOptions);
If you're not sure whether the document exists, pass the option to merge the new data with any existing document to avoid overwriting entire documents.
Cloud Firestore lets you write a variety of data types inside a document, including strings, booleans, numbers, and nested arrays and objects.
var docData:Object = {
stringExample: "Hello world!",
booleanExample: true,
numberExample: 3.14159265,
"Hello world!",
"key": "can host other objects or arrays..."
var document:DocumentReference = Firestore.collection("data").document("one");
document.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_SUCCESS, onDocWriteSuccess);
document.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_SET_FAILURE, onDocWriteFailure);
When you use write() to create a document, you must specify an ID for the document to create. For example:
But sometimes there isn't a meaningful ID for the document, and it's more convenient to let Cloud Firestore auto-generate an ID for you. You can do this by calling add():
// Add a new document with a generated id.
var data:Object = {
name: "Tokyo",
country: "Japan"
var collection:CollectionReference = Firestore.collection("cities");
collection.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.COLLECTION_ADD_SUCCESS, onCollectionAddSuccess);
collection.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.COLLECTION_ADD_FAILURE, onCollectionAddFailure);
function onCollectionAddSuccess(e:FirestoreEvents):void
var c:CollectionReference = e.target as CollectionReference;
c.removeEventListener(FirestoreEvents.COLLECTION_ADD_SUCCESS, onCollectionAddSuccess);
c.removeEventListener(FirestoreEvents.COLLECTION_ADD_FAILURE, onCollectionAddFailure);
trace("DocumentSnapshot added with ID: " + e.documentReference.documentId);
function onCollectionAddFailure(e:FirestoreEvents):void
var c:CollectionReference = e.target as CollectionReference;
c.removeEventListener(FirestoreEvents.COLLECTION_ADD_SUCCESS, onCollectionAddSuccess);
c.removeEventListener(FirestoreEvents.COLLECTION_ADD_FAILURE, onCollectionAddFailure);
trace("Error adding document: " + e.msg);
Important: Unlike "push IDs" in the Firebase Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore auto-generated IDs do not provide any automatic ordering. If you want to be able to order your documents by creation date, you should store a timestamp as a field in the documents.
In some cases, it can be useful to create a document reference with an auto-generated ID, then use the reference later. For this use case, you can call document():
var document:DocumentReference = Firestore.collection("data").document();
Behind the scenes, .add(...) and . document().write(...) are completely equivalent, so you can use whichever is more convenient.
To update some fields of a document without overwriting the entire document, use the update() method:
var washingtonRef:DocumentReference = Firestore.collection("cities").document("DC");
washingtonRef.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_UPDATE_SUCCESS, onUpdateSuccess);
washingtonRef.addEventListener(FirestoreEvents.DOCUMENT_UPDATE_FAILURE, onUpdateFailure);
washingtonRef.update({capital: true});
If your document contains nested objects, you can use "dot notation" to reference nested fields within the document when you call update():
// Assume the document contains:
// {
// name: "Frank",
// favorites: { food: "Pizza", color: "Blue", subject: "recess" }
// age: 12
// }
// To update age and favorite color:
var doc:DocumentReference = Firestore.collection("users").document("frank");
var updateObj:Object = {};
updateObj.age = 13;
updateObj["favorites.color"] = "Red";
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- Save Data
- Retrieve Data
- Enable Offline Capabilities
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