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The purpose of this document is to provide installation and usage instructions for the MyFitnessPal SDK for iOS.


  • This SDK is intended to be used for MFP v1 API tokens.
  • End users must have the MFP app installed on their device.
  • The MyFitnessPalSDK may only be used by existing MFP partners. Please contact [email protected] for information on becoming a partner and obtaining a valid clientId.

Installation with CocoaPods

The MyFitnessPalSDK supports installation via CocoaPods.

platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'MyFitnessPalSDK', :git => ''

Manual Installation

Open the MyFitnessPalSDK workspace and build the MyFitnessPalSDK-Universal target. Then drag and drop the MyFitnessPalSDK.framework into your Xcode project.


Update your app delegate to include creation of an MFPSession object and a URL handler.

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import <MyFitnessPalSDK/MyFitnessPalSDK.h>

@interface AppDelegate ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) MFPSession *mfpSession;

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  self.mfpSession = [[MFPSession alloc] initWithClientId:@"sampleapiclient"
  return YES;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
  if ([[MFPSession activeSession] handleOpenURL:url]) {
    if ([[MFPSession activeSession] isOpen]) {
      NSLog(@"Session opened");
  return TRUE;

Setting the URL Type

In order for the native MyFitnessPal iOS app to call back into your app, you'll need to add a URL Type to your Info.plist.

Go to Targets -> "target name" -> Info -> URL Types. From there, you can set a target URL. The URL scheme must have a prefix of mfp. Optionally, if you have multiple apps on the same device, you can have a suffix such as premium.

Putting it all together, your URL scheme would be mfp-sampleapiclient-premium. If you only have one app, then the URL scheme would be mfp-sampleapiclient.

URL Types

Whitelisting Custom URL Schemes

The SDK uses app to app deep linking which requires use of the canOpenUrl method to see if the MyFitnessPal app is installed on your device. iOS 9 introduced security measures against this which require us to now whitelist our custom URL schemes.

To do this open up your Info.plist file and add an array called LSApplicationQueriesSchemes. Then add 2 strings as children called mfp and mfphd.


Working with Tokens

In order to make calls to the MyFitnessPal Partner API you need to obtain an accessToken. The SDK wraps this up inside the MFPAccessTokenData object.

See the following properties on MFPAccessTokenData:

  • accessToken
  • refreshToken
  • expirationDate

Obtaining Tokens

- (void)openActiveSession:(id)sender {
  [[MFPSession activeSession] openActiveSessionWithScope:@[MFPPermissionTypeDiary] onSuccess:^{
    NSLog(@"Open active session success");
  } onFailure:^(NSError *__autoreleasing *error) {
    NSLog(@"Failed to open active session");

Refreshing Tokens

- (void)refreshActiveToken:(id)sender {
  [[MFPSession activeSession] refreshAccessTokenOnSuccess:^{
    NSLog(@"Acess token refreshed");
  } onFailure:^(NSError *__autoreleasing *error) {
    NSLog(@"Failed to refresh access token");

Revoking Tokens

- (void)revokeAccess:(id)sender {
  if ([[MFPSession activeSession] isOpen]) {
    [[MFPSession activeSession] revokeAccessOnSuccess:^{
      NSLog(@"Access revoked");
    } onFailure:^(NSError *__autoreleasing *error) {
      NSLog(@"Failed to revoke access");

Reading data

  MFPSession *activeSession = [MFPSession activeSession];
  if ([activeSession isOpen]) {
    NSString *txt = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Active Session:\nOPEN\n\naccessToken:\n%@\n\nrefreshToken:\n%@\n\nexpirationDate:\n%@",
    self.textView.text = txt;
  else {
    self.textView.text = @"Active Session: CLOSED";

Further Documentation

Doxygen documentation can be found in this repo under /Documentation/html/index.html.

Partner API Reference

Once you've obtained an access token you can start making calls to the Partner API to add exercises, read diary data, etc...

API V1 Documentation

API V2 Documentation


Please direct all inbound support inquiries to: [email protected]