my5G-RANTester is a tool for emulating control and data planes of the UE (user equipment) and gNB (5G base station). my5G-RANTester aims to implement NGAP and NAS protocol definied the 3GPP Release 15 (R15) and beyond. Using my5G-RANTester, it is possible to study several functionalities of a 5G core, including its adherence to the 3GPP standards. Scalability is also a relevant feature of the my5G-RANTester, which is able mimic the behaviour of a large number of UEs accessing a 5G core. Currently, the wireless channel is not implemented in the tool.
If you want to cite this tool, please use the following information:
title = {Tutorial on communication between access networks and the 5G core},
journal = {Computer Networks},
volume = {216},
pages = {109301},
year = {2022},
issn = {1389-1286},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Lucas B.D. Silveira and Henrique C. {de Resende} and Cristiano B. Both and Johann M. Marquez-Barja and Bruno Silvestre and Kleber V. Cardoso},
keywords = {NG-RAN, 5G core, NAS, NGAP}
If you have questions or comments, please email us: my5G team.
my5G-RANTester borrows libraries and data structures from the free5gc project.
Apache 2.0