Diff library with scalatest support. Usefull for adjusting different types for a better match in specs.
You can for example adjust Instant
to be truncated only to HOURS
, this will impact all matches in a spec:
implicit val _ =
it should "find differences with custom implicit" in {
case class Specimen(name: String, date: Instant)
val left = Specimen("John", Instant.now)
val right = Specimen("John", Instant.now)
Differential.compare(left, right) shouldBe Outcome.empty
With scalatest:
class DiffMatcherSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with DiffMatcher {
val left = Specimens("Jims", List(
Specimen(Name("Jim", "Beam"), Address("Churchil", 75), 22, Nil),
Specimen(Name("Jim", "Beam"), Address("Washington", 75), 22, Seq(Instant.now)),
Specimen(Name("Jim", "Beam"), Address("Washington", 75), 22, Nil)
val right = Specimens("John & Jim", List(
Specimen(Name("John", "Doe"), Address("Washington", 73), 21, Nil),
Specimen(Name("Jim", "Beam"), Address("Washington", 75), 22, Seq(Instant.now))
left should matchWithoutDifferences (right)
or with a should
class DiffMatcherSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ShouldDiffMatcher {
left shouldMatchWithoutDifferences right
Should output:
[info] Specimens(
[info] "Jims",
[info] List(
[info] Specimen(Name("Jim", "Beam"), Address("Churchil", 75), 22, List()),
[info] Specimen(Name("Jim", "Beam"), Address("Washington", 75), 22, List(2019-12-12T00:49:27.058233Z)),
[info] Specimen(Name("Jim", "Beam"), Address("Washington", 75), 22, List())
[info] )
[info] ) was not equal to
[info] Specimens(
[info] "John & Jim",
[info] List(
[info] Specimen(Name("John", "Doe"), Address("Washington", 73), 21, List()),
[info] Specimen(Name("Jim", "Beam"), Address("Washington", 75), 22, List(2019-12-12T00:49:27.058553Z))
[info] )
[info] )
[info] Details:
[info] 1. category: Jims was not equal to John & Jim
[info] 2. sample[0].name.first: Jim was not equal to John
[info] 3. sample[0].name.last: Beam was not equal to Doe
[info] 4. sample[0].address.street: Churchil was not equal to Washington
[info] 5. sample[0].address.number: 75 was not equal to 73
[info] 6. sample[0].age: 22 was not equal to 21
[info] 7. sample[1].dates[0]: 2019-12-12T00:49:27.058233Z was not equal to 2019-12-12T00:49:27.058553Z
[info] 8. sample[2]: Specimen(Name(Jim,Beam),Address(Washington,75),22,List()) was not equal to [none] (DiffMatcherSpec.scala:29)
Also comes with console colors.