A big part of what we do at JustGiving is reclaim the Gift Aid on donations made to charities. This saves them a lot of time and processing overheads.
The calculation for gift aid is [Donation Amount] * ( [TaxRate] / (100 - [TaxRate]) )
- For unit testing we use NUnit and NSubstitute, these are already referenced in the projects, but feel free to use which ever framework you prefer.
- All stories should be completed with an appropriate amount of testing.
- Please create a public repo (GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab etc) and send us the link, make sure to commit regularly so we can see how you came up with the solution.
- Remember to be RESTful.
- Create a calculator.
- Gift aid calculated at a tax rate of 20%.
- Create an endpoint so that other services can access the calculation for Gift Aid.
- Use this swagger spec as the basis for your API
swagger: '2.0'
title: Gift Aid Service
version: 1.0.0
basePath: /api
- https
summary: Get the amount of gift aid reclaimable for donation amount
- in: query
name: amount
type: number
required: true
- application/json
description: OK
$ref: '#/definitions/GiftAidResponse'
type: object
- donationAmount
- giftAidAmount
type: number
type: number
- There are two validation rules:
- Minimum donation amount is £2.00.
- Maximum donation amount is £100,000.00.
- Add validation for these cases and any other validation / error handling you think is appropriate for this endpoint.
- Add appropriate tests and document the endpoint
- When a user makes a donation with Gift Aid, we need to store information about the donor.
- We need to store:
- Name
- Post Code
- Donation Amount
- Add an endpoint for this.
- Mock a database or add a simple in-memory database (maybe LiteDB) to persist this data.
- Produce a unique id for the declaration.
- Return the declaration id and the gift aid amount in the reponse.
- Add appropriate tests and document the endpoint
Thanks for your time, we look forward to hearing from you!