Small WebPack based SCSS / Javascript compiler
Install the package
npm install --save aviate
Open package.json
and add:
"scripts": {
"dev": "aviate",
"build": "aviate build"
Create the aviate.config.js
Aviate is configured using the aviate.config.js
file at the root of your project.
const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
// Defaults to http://localhost:8080 when not provided
host: 'http://localhost:8080/',
// Location to copy production assets to (usually one directory)
distLocations: [
path.join(__dirname, 'your/production/assets/directory')
// Optional location of svgs to create a SVG sprite map. Can also be an object with configuration options for
svgSprite: '**/*.svg',
// Entirely optional if you don't have any custom postcss plugins
// This example shows how to add css-mqpacker
postCss(loader, defaultPlugins) {
// Optional possibility to disable default postCSS plugins
const plugins = defaultPlugins({
// 'autoprefixer': true,
// 'lost': true,
// 'postcss-custom-media': true,
// 'postcss-zindex': true,
// 'postcss-discard-duplicates': true,
// 'postcss-unique-selectors': true,
// 'postcss-responsive-type': true
return plugins
// Allows you to define custom WebPack properties
// `config` is a WebPack config object
// `config.entry` is required
// Entries will be compiled to `http://localhost:8080/<entrykey>` in development
// In production the entries will be copied to `distLocations`
decorateConfig(config) {
config.entry = Object.assign({}, config.entry, {
// When using scss that never changes (external dependencies) should be added to the array to greatly improve compilation time
'styles': [
path.join(__dirname, 'web/app/themes/wecustom/assets/styles/main.scss')
// All javascript goes through Babel. So you can write es2015 (ES6) code. It also includes all requirements for compiling React applications
'javascript': [
path.join(__dirname, 'web/app/themes/wecustom/assets/javascript/main.js')
return config
These plugins are included by default:
- Autoprefixer (last 2 versions and Internet Explorer 11)
- Font size responsive Allows you to easily create responsive types
- Lost Grid Amazing grid system
- Custom Media W3C compliant custom media queries
- z-index flattens z-index levels
- Discard duplicates removes properties that are always overwritten by the same selector at another location
- Unique selectors deduplicates selectors