Includes patches and jars for Kylin interaction with Mondrian and Saiku.
You should be able to run Kylin, to build and create a Kylin Cube successfully. Also you will need a Mondrian 4 Schema, which describes your OLAP Cube in Kylin. In our case we use Cloudera 5.4 Quickstart VM [Download].
- Download Kylins JDBC or download Kylin Binaries and extract the archive to get the current Kylin JDBC.
- Download current Saiku Community Edition.
- Download compiled Mondrian 4.4 (Lagunitas) jar with Kylin dialect added (see Mondrian folder) or apply our patch to Mondrian and compile your own Mondrian 4.4 Snapshot.
- Download newer Commons HTTPClient.
- Extract Saiku (path is now called saiku_root_path).
- Go to folder saiku_path/tomcat/webapps/saiku/WEB-INF/lib/
- add Kylins JDBC jar
- add the compiled Mondrian 4.4 jar with Kylin dialect
- add newer Commons HTTPClient jar
- remove old Mondrian jar
- remove old Commons HTTPClient jar
- Start Saiku (sh
- Go to http://localhost:8080/
- User: admin
- Password: admin
- Click on Admin Console (big A in navigation bar)
- Upload your Mondrian Schema
- Add a new Data Source:
- Name: Kylin Data Source
- Connection Type: Mondrian
- URL: jdbc:kylin://{your_kylin_url}:7070/{your_project_name}
- Schema: {your_mondrian_schema}
- JDBC Driver: org.apache.kylin.jdbc.Driver
- Username: {your_kylin_username} (Standard: admin)
- Password: {your_kylin_password} (Standard: KYLIN)
Have fun!
Take a look into Example Folder.