Docker container for Mapserver
docker build -t mapserver .
docker run -d -p 8182:80 -v `pwd`/map:/map mapserver
while the command is
docker run -d -p [exposed port]:[internal port] -v [your-path]:[container-path] mapserver
When Docker is forwarded as localhost simply open the following URL:
When if you have docker-machine in place check its IP with to following command and replace the localhost with it.
docker-machine ip
To make sure the url specified above works the web browser should give a response:
No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty.
A quick way to access the contents of your mapfile in a browser can be achived by:
The displayed map should look like that:
Replace with the name of your mapserver mapfile.
To enter the container with a bash interface simple switch from daemon mode to interactive mode
docker run -it -v `pwd`/map:/map mapserver bash
There you'll see the mapped /map folder and can use the useful cli tool like
raster utilities:
vector utilities: