Inventory Management Project re-imagined with Spring
- Manage your Inventory efficiently and dynamically.
- Easy CRUD operations for your products!
- Check your availables funds, while Finance users can make updates directly with ease.
- Admins can easily update users. Adding new roles, enabling and disabling accounts.
- Database: H2, MySQL or both
1) Update the properties file with your local sql instance data
- For MySql
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/{your-db}
username: {username}
password: {password}
ddl-auto: create-drop
database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
database: mysql
show-sql: true
IMPORTANT: Hibernate will create the schema. Change above 'ddl-auto' to 'Update' when schema has been generated
2) Add ADMIN privileges for the first user
In the 'UserServiceImpl' file line 62:
Change this to 'user.setRoles("ADMIN");'
This user can then add admin privileges to other users who register.
- Feel free to reach me directly for further assistance. Email: [email protected]