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Some Types

Have some types! They're home grown, organic, rich in antioxidants, and packed with flavor. Types for a true TypeScript gourmand.

This library features a handful of useful types that leverage advanced TypeScript features while still fitting in seamlessly with your existing code. Each type comes with a full suite of type-oriented utility functions.

Types and Namespaces

some-types is organized into modules which each provide a type and functions that operate on said type. At the top-level each module is exported as a single variable which is both a type and a namespace. Each module can also be imported from directly, and exports both the main module type/namespace and the contents of the namespace. For example:

import { Option, Tuple } form "some-types"
import { Result, Ok, Err, ok, err, isOk, isErr } from "some-types/Result"

In this case Option, Tuple, Result, Ok, and Err are all both types and namespaces. Ok and Err are types/namespaces from the Result module, and can also be accessed as Result.Ok and Result.Err. Similarly ok, err, isOk, and isErr are functions from the Result module, and can also be accessed as Result.ok, etc.

A number of functions have both a version that's meant to be imported directly, and an alias that's easier to use with the namespace prefix. For example timestamp and Timestamp.of are both functions to create a timestamp value.

Provided Modules

An Option<A> is a value that may or may not be present. Values of this type are either:

  • Some<A>, a desired value of type A, or

  • None, the lack of that value encoded as undefined.

The type Option<A> isn't a special wrapper of any kind, it's an alias for A | undefined. TypeScript has great built-in support for values that might be undefined, so this module expands on that with utility functions to handle common cases at a higher level of abstraction.

In the following example we use Option.ifSome to apply a function to a value that might be undefined without having to first narrow the type.

import { Option } from "some-types"

const inc = (x: number) => x + 1;

let num: Option<number> = 10;

const withTernary = num !== undefined ? inc(num) : num; // 11

const withOption = Option.ifSome(num, inc); // 11

In this example we use Option.encase to wrap a function that might throw an error and create a new function that will never throw an error and instead returns undefined for all error cases.

import { Option } from "some-types"

const assertPositive = (n: number) => {
  if (n > 0) return n
  throw "Not a positive number!"

const keepPositive = Option.encase(assertPositive)

const a = keepPositive(10); // 10
const b = keepPositive(-5); // undefined

A Result<V, E> is the result of a computation that might fail. Values of this type are either:

  • Ok<V>, a desired value of type V, or

  • Err<E>, an object E inheriting from Error, specifying what went wrong.

Similar to Option, Result<V, E> isn't implemented as a discriminated union, it's a simple union type V | E where we know that E is an Error object.

In this example the submit function takes an array of numbers and either performs a calculation if the numbers are valid, or reports the first invalid number. The error type must inherit from Error, so we use DataError, an error object which also stores data of a parametrized type.

import { Result } from "some-types"

const validateNumber = (n: number): Result<number, DataError<number>> => {
  if (n === 5) return Result.errData(n, "I don't like 5")
  if (n < 0) return Result.errData(n, "can't be negative")
  if (n === 55) return Result.errData(n, "I don't like 55 either")
  if (n % 2 !== 1) return Result.errData(n, "must be odd")

  return n;

const validateNumbers = (ns: number[]): Result<number[], Error> =>

const submit(ns: number[]): string => {
  const result = validateNumbers(ns);

  if (Result.isOk(result)) {
    const sum = result.reduce((acc, n) => acc + n);
    return `Thanks for these great numbers! Their sum is ${sum}.`;
  } else {
    return `Error: Invalid number ${}, ${result.message}.`

submit([1, 3, 7, 9, 11]) // "Thanks for these great numbers! Their sum is 31."
submit([1, 3, 7, 12, 55, -1]) // "Error: Invalid number 12, must be odd."

RemoteData<D, E> models the lifecycle of async requests, where data starts uninitialized, a request is made, and then either a successful or unsuccessful response is received. These four stages correspond to the types

  • NotAsked, a constant to indicate that nothing has happened yet,

  • Loading, a constant to indicate that the request is in progress,

  • Success<D>, the requested data of type D, and

  • Failure<E>, an object E inheriting from Error, specifying what went wrong.

This type uses symbols to ensure that NotAsked and Loading are unique types that won't overlap with the success type D.

In this example we make a request to an API that provides random images of dogs. With RemoteData we can use one variable to track the entire state of the request. Because the failure case must inherit from Error we use DataError, an object which uses an additional data field to track the message and http code associated with the failure.

import { RemoteData, DataError } from "some-types"

type DogRequest = RemoteData<string, DogError>;
type DogError = DataError<{ message: string; code?: number }>;

let dogImageRequest: DogRequest = RemoteData.notAsked;

function getRandomDogImage(): Promise<void> {
  dogImageRequest = RemoteData.loading;

  try {
    const response = await fetch("")
    const json = await response.json()

    if (json.status === "success") {
      dogImageRequest = RemoteData.success(json.message);
    } else {
      dogImageRequest = RemoteData.failureData({
        message: json.message,
        code: json.code
  } catch {
    dogImageRequest = RemoteData.failureData({ message: "Request failed" });

When we render our UI we can base our logic off of the current value of dogImageRequest, no additional state variables necessary.

function displayDogImage(dogImageRequest: DogRequest): string {
  return RemoteData.match(dogImageRequest, {
    NotAsked: () => "Request a dog!",
    Loading: () => "Loading!",
    Success: (url) => `Here's your dog! ${url}`,
    Failure: (err) => `Error: ${}`

A DataError<D> is an instance of the DataError class which inherits from Error but additionally has a parametrized data field which can store a value of type D. When thrown DataError has the same behavior as Error.

The Result and RemoteData modules may use DataError to track arbitrary data on Result.Err or RemoteData.Failure.

A NonEmptyArray<A> is an immutable array where the elements have type A and the array contains at least one element.

A Tuple<A, B, C> is an immutable array with a fixed length. For simplicity we provide utilities for tuples of length 0, 1, 2, and 3, although TypeScript has support for larger tuples. These tuple variants are called Empty, Single<A>, Pair<A, B>, and Triple<A, B, C>.

In this example the type of pairs is inferred as Array<Pair<number, string>>. This means that for each element in the array the type checker is aware that the element is an array of length 2 containing a number at index 0 and a string at index 1.

import { Tuple } from "some-types"

const nums = [1,2,3,4,5];
const chars = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"];

const pairs =, chars);
const firstNumber : number = pairs[0][0]; // 1
const firstString : string = pairs[0][1]; // "a"

Similar to ReadonlyArray, ReadonlyDate is a Date object where all mutable methods have been removed from the type declaration.

A ValidDate is a Date object which we know is not invalid.

A quirk of JavaScript Dates is that if a date is constructed with invalid inputs then the internal representation will be NaN. The ValidDate type indicates that the date has been checked and is known to be valid.

One downside of this type is that in order to ensure the date stays valid it is a ReadonlyDate, which does not have access to the mutable methods of the Date type. Similar to how a ReadonlyArray can't be used in places where an Array is required, ReadonlyDate can't be used when a Date is required. To get around this limitation the ValidDate must be explicitly cast to a Date, breaking the read-only guarantee.

A Timestamp is a number encoding of a Date, measured as the time in milliseconds that has elapsed since the UNIX epoch.

The JavaScript Date object uses an integer timestamp for its internal representation, so Timestamp values map directly to valid Dates. Unlike Dates timestamps are immutable, can be compared by value, and are easy to sort. Many date utility libraries will accept timestamps instead of Dates as function arguments, so in many cases Timestamps can be used as a drop-in replacement for Dates.

import { isMonday } from "date-fns";
import { Timestamp } from "some-types";

const months = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11].map((monthIndex) =>
  Timestamp.of({ year: 2023, monthIndex, day: 1 }),

const monthsStartingOnMonday : Timestamp[] = months.filter(isMonday); => Timestamp.toDate(t).toUTCString());
// ["Mon, 01 May 2023 05:00:00 GMT"]

A DateString is a string encoding of a Date, guaranteed to parse to a valid Date object. Internally DateStrings use ISO 8601 format, which is commonly used to communicate dates between systems.

DateStrings have many of the same benefits of Timestamps, in that they are immutable and use string value comparison instead of reference comparison. Many date utility libraries will accept strings instead of Dates, but libraries such as date-fns are less permissive and require strings to first be explicitly parsed to dates.

Branded<Base, Brand> creates a new branded type, meaning a type that enhances a Base type with additional compile-time meaning. Branded types can still be used in place of their base type, but the base type can't be used when the branded type is required. The provided Brand should be a unique symbol which is not used anywhere else.

In this example we create a branded type for strings that are UUIDs, and a higher-order branded type for anything that's cool.

import { Branded } from "some-types"

declare const UUIDBrand: unique symbol;
type UUID = Branded<string, typeof UUIDBrand>;

declare const CoolBrand: unique symbol;
type Cool<T> = Branded<T, typeof CoolBrand>;

// Functions that require certain branded parameters
const requireUUID = (uuid: UUID) => uuid;
const requireCool = <T extends Cool<unknown>>(val: T) => val;
const requireCoolUUID = (uuid: Cool<UUID>) => uuid;

// Values manually cast to branded types
const uuid = "3da74402-afe5-48aa-93e4-3399a2d8c0e2" as UUID;
const coolUuid = "6778379b-3b2d-4ffe-98f5-ef805ee26997" as Cool<UUID>;
const coolNum = 1729 as Cool<number>;

// All of these will compile

// All of these will fail to compile

Prior Art

A number of libraries, guides, and blog posts shaped the design of this library. Here's a non-exhaustive list.


Some types, some of which are sum types







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