Videofront is a self-hosted Youtube: A scalable video hosting platform written in Python 3/Django.
Videofront was developed to host videos of MOOCs taught on Open edX platforms, but it can easily be used in just any web platform that requires video embedding.
The particularity of Videofront is that it supports multiple storage, transcoding and streaming backends. For instance, with Videofront you can transcode your videos with ffmpeg
(locally), or with Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
- Video storage, transcoding and streaming
- A RESTful API, with a browsable GUI powered by Swagger
- A flexible and extensible set of backends to store and process videos from different providers. Out of the box, the following backend are supported:
- Local backend: storage on local disk, transcoding with
, streaming with Nginx - Amazon Web Services: storage on S3, transcoding with ElasticTranscoder, streaming with Cloudfront.
- Local backend: storage on local disk, transcoding with
- A basic user permission system for interacting with the API
- Command line and browser-based video upload (with CORS)
- Subtitle upload, conversion to VTT format, storage and download
- Thumbnail generation and customisation
Videofront is a standard Django project. You will not feel lost if you already know how to deploy a Django-based app.
Clone the repository:
mkdir /opt/videofront && cd /opt/videofront
git clone
cd videofront/
Install non-python requirements:
sudo apt install rabbitmq-server libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev
Install python requirements in a virtual environment:
virtualenv --python=python3 venv # note that python3 is required
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/base.txt
If you wish to interact with Amazon Web Services, additional dependencies need to be installed:
pip install -r requirements/aws.txt
Before you go any further, you need to choose and configure a video backend. Out of the box, Videofront supports two backends: local
(the default) and aws
. First, create a settings file for your backend. Sample settings are in videofront/settings_prod_sample_*.py
. Then, point to the settings file via the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
environment variable.
For example, to use a local backend:
cp videofront/ videofront/
# Edit videofront/ to match your platform
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='videofront.settings_prod'
Install additional packages for transcoding:
sudo apt install faac x264 ffmpeg
Make sure the directory defined in the VIDEO_STORAGE_ROOT
setting exists:
mkdir /opt/videofront/storage/
Install additional requirements:
pip install -r requirements/aws.txt
There are a couple commands that might be useful for setting up some things on AWS:
# Create S3 buckets according to your settings
./ bootstrap-s3
# Delete folders from the production S3 bucket
./ delete-s3-folders videos/xxx folder1/ folder2/somefile.mp4
Videofront requires an SQL database. It is compatible with all Django-supported vendor databases (in particular: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL).
The database configured by default is an SQLite database stored in the videofront base directory. To change this, modify the DATABASES
setting in the videofront/
file. However, we suggest to keep an SQLite database for development and testing; the database setting should be modified only in production, in the videofront/
Create the required database tables with:
./ migrate
./ createcachetable
Create a user in Videofront to obtain a token and start interacting with the API:
$ ./ createuser chucknorris fantasticpassword
Created user 'chucknorris' with token: 6f6801edef3f4b74378f2ac270be464b351efefe
Write down that API token. Alternatively, you can obtain the same token again by re-running the createuser
To create a user with administrator privilege, add the --admin
./ createuser --admin chucknorris fantasticpassword
Start a local server on port 8000:
./ runserver
Once a Videofront server is running, a RESTful, browsable API is available at http://localhost:8000/api/v1/. Documentation is also available at http://localhost:8000/api/v1/docs.
Start a celery worker for periodic and non-periodic tasks:
celery -A videofront worker -B # don't do this in production
Important note: do NOT run the above commands in production. Instructions for production deployments are available below.
Other than with the command line, Videofront can be administered from the Django admin page which can be found at http://localhost:8000/admin. You will need to create an administrator user account to access this page (See User management).
Obtain a video upload url:
$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Token 6f6801edef3f4b74378f2ac270be464b351efefe"
Upload a video to this url:
$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Token 6f6801edef3f4b74378f2ac270be464b351efefe" -F [email protected]
A dedicated CLI client exists to interact with the Videofront API. Install the videofront-client for easier interaction with the API.
# Create a user and print out the corresponding access token
./ createuser --admin username password
# Launch a new video transcoding job; useful if the transcoding job is stuck in pending state
./ transcode-video myvideoid
Install test and contrib requirements:
pip install -r requirements/tests.txt
Run unit tests:
./ test
Check test coverage:
coverage run ./ test
coverage report
If you wish to develop a new backend, you will need to create a Backend
class that inherits from pipeline.backend.BaseBackend
and implements the required methods. Look at contrib.plugins.local.backend.Backend
for inspiration.
In the following, we assume the following file hierarchy:
pip install gunicorn
By default, static assets will be stored in the static/
./ collectstatic
The recommended approach is to start gunicorn and celery workers under supervision with supervisorctl
Install supervisor
sudo apt install supervisor
Edit /etc/supervisor/conf.d/videofront.conf
command=/opt/videofront/venv/bin/gunicorn --name videofront --workers 12 --bind= --log-level=INFO videofront.wsgi:application
command=/opt/videofront/venv/bin/celery worker -A videofront --loglevel=INFO --pidfile=/opt/videofront/ --hostname 'w1.%%h'
command=/opt/videofront/venv/bin/celery beat -A videofront --loglevel=INFO --pidfile=/opt/videofront/ --schedule /opt/videofront/celerybeat-schedule
Reload your configuration with:
sudo supervisorctl update
Restart all Videofront services with:
sudo supervisorctl restart videofront:
Recommended nginx configuration in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/videofront
upstream django {
server {
listen 80;
server_name; # FIXME
client_max_body_size 20M;
location /static/ {
# This is according to the STATIC_ROOT setting
alias /opt/videofront/videofront/static/;
# The following is necessary only if you are planning on streaming videos
# from disk with the local backend
location /backend/storage/ {
# Here we assume that the ASSETS_ROOT_URL setting refers to the same
# domain name that is used to access the API.
# The path defined here should be VIDEO_STORAGE_ROOT/.
alias /home/regis/Desktop/tmp/videos/videofront/storage/;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
location ~ ^/api/v1/videos/(.*)/upload/ {
# Max video upload size
client_max_body_size 1G;
proxy_pass http://django;
location / {
proxy_pass http://django;
Reload nginx configuration:
sudo service nginx reload
Videofront is still in early beta, although it is already used in production at FUN-MOOC. Here is the list of upcoming features, by decreasing priority:
- Creation of an
endpoint for easy video integration inside iframes - Viewer statistics
- More evolved permission system, with public & private videos
- ... We are open to feature requests! Just open a new issue, describe your problem and we'll start the conversation from there.
The code in this repository is licensed under version 3 of the AGPL unless otherwise noted. Your rights and duties are summarised here. Please see the LICENSE file for details.