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Releases: mui/mui-x


29 Nov 15:35
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v8.0.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 👨🏽‍💻 Improve resize performance on the Data Gird.
  • <ChartDataProvider /> and <ChartsSurface /> components are now fully divided — Learn more.
  • Users can create their own HTML components using chart data — Learn more.
  • 🌍 Improve Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese locales on the Data Grid component.
  • 🌍 Improve Dutch locale on the Date and Time Pickers components.
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • 📚 Documentation improvements

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@dloeda, @headironc, @jedesroches, @k-rajat19, @lauri865, @mathzdev, @nphmuller, @zinoroman.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@arminmeh, @alexfauquette, @cherniavskii, @flaviendelangle, @JCQuintas, @KenanYusuf, @LukasTy, @MBilalShafi, @oliviertassinari.

Data Grid

Breaking changes

  • The <GridOverlays /> component is not exported anymore.
  • The indeterminateCheckboxAction prop has been removed. Clicking on an indeterminate checkbox "selects" the unselected descendants.
  • The apiRef.current.resize() method was removed.
  • The default value of the rowSelectionPropagation prop has been changed to { parents: true, descendants: true } which means that the selection will be propagated to the parents and descendants by default.
    To revert to the previous behavior, pass rowSelectionPropagation as { parents: false, descendants: false }.
  • If estimatedRowCount is used, the text provided to the Table Pagination component from the Material UI library is updated and requires additional translations. Check the example at the end of Index-based pagination section.

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Fix header filtering with boolean column type (#15528) @k-rajat19
  • [DataGridPro] Fix pagination state not updating if the data source response has no rows (#15622) @zinoroman
  • [DataGridPro] Fix selection propagation issue on initialization (#15461) @MBilalShafi

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date and Time Pickers

Breaking changes

  • The props received by the layout and the toolbar slots have been reworked — Learn more.

  • The TSection generic of the FieldRef type has been replaced with the TValue generic — Learn more.

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


Breaking changes

  • Charts Container don't have a <div /> wrapping them anymore. All props are now passed to the root <svg /> instead of the <div />.

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Tree View

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected]

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].




29 Nov 13:39
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We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • ✨ Support for a new display mode on the Data Grid with the List View feature, offering an extremely flexible way to render datasets and enabling developers to adapt how data is displayed across different screen sizes.

  • ⚛️ React 19 support

  • 📚 Documentation improvements

  • 🌍 Improve Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese locales on the Data Grid component.

  • 🌍 Improve Dutch locale on the Date and Time Picker components.

  • 🐞 Bugfixes

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@dloeda, @headironc, @mathzdev, @nphmuller, @lhilgert9, @lauri865.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@oliviertassinari, @arminmeh, @KenanYusuf, @flaviendelangle, @MBilalShafi.

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Fix header filtering with boolean column type (#15640) @k-rajat19
  • [DataGridPro] Fix pagination state not updating if the data source response has no rows (#15643) @zinoroman
  • [DataGridPro] Fix selection propagation issue on initialization (#15593) @MBilalShafi

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date and Time Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Tree View

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].




22 Nov 16:18
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v8.0.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🔧 Refactor Tooltip customisation for charts — Learn more.
  • ⚛️ React 19 support
  • 🌍 Improve Chinese, Spanish, and Swedish locale on the Data Grid component
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • 📚 Documentation improvements

Breaking change

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@CarlosLopezLg, @headironc, @hendrikpeilke, @k-rajat19, @lhilgert9, @viktormelin.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@alexfauquette, @arthurbalduini, @cherniavskii, @flaviendelangle, @JCQuintas, @LukasTy, @MBilalShafi, @oliviertassinari, @KenanYusuf, @arminmeh.

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

Date and Time Pickers

Breaking change

  • The FieldValueType type has been renamed to PickerValueTypeLearn more.
  • The toolbar and layout slots no longer receive the disabled and readOnly props — Learn more.

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DateTimeRangePicker] Use time in referenceDate when selecting date (#15429) @LukasTy


Breaking change

  • The DX of the Tooltip customization has been refactored

    • The tooltip prop has been removed in favor of slotProps.tooltip for consistency.
    • The popper, axisContent, and itemContent slots have been removed in favor of the tooltip slot which overrides the entire tooltip.
      • To override the tooltip content, use the useItemTooltip or useAxisTooltip hook to get the data, and wrap your component in ChartsTooltipContainer to follow the pointer position.
      • To override the tooltip placement, use the ChartsItemTooltipContent or ChartsItemTooltipContent to get default data and place them in your custom tooltip.
  • The library now uses the SVG filter attribute instead of d3-color for color manipulation.

    • This modification impacts the LinePlot, AreaPlot, and BarPlot components.
      If you've customized the fill of those elements, you might need to override it by using the CSS filter.
    • The theme.styleOverride is removed for MuiLineElement, MuiAreaElement, and MuiBarElement to improve performance.
      You can still target those elements by using the MuiLinePlot, MuiAreaPlot, and MuiBarPlot and target the appropriate classes lineElementClasses.root, areaElementClasses.root, barElementClasses.root
  • Removed the resolveSizeBeforeRender prop from all chart components — Learn more.

  • Removed width and height props from the ChartsSurface component.

  • Removed the viewport prop from all charts.

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Tree View

Breaking changes

  • The Tree Item component can no longer use publicAPI methods in the render because they are now memoized — Learn more.

@mui/[email protected]




22 Nov 09:10
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We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 📊 Charts Pro get stable. The zoom and Heatmap are now stable.
  • 🌍 Improve Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish locales on the Data Grid
  • 🐞 Bugfixes

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@CarlosLopezLg, @headironc, @viktormelin, @qerkules, @DungTiger, @hendrikpeilke, @k-rajat19.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@alexfauquette, @LukasTy, @MBilalShafi, @flaviendelangle.

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date and Time Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DateTimeRangePicker] Use time in referenceDate when selecting date (#15431) @LukasTy


@mui/[email protected]

No changes since @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] pro



14 Nov 15:01
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v8.0.0-alpha.0 Pre-release
MUI X v8 Alpha is live

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 22 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🔁 Support automatic parents and children selection for the Rich Tree View components.
  • 🌍 Improve Greek (el-GR) locale on the Date and Time Pickers components
  • 🌍 Improve Polish (pl-PL) locale on the Data Grid component
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • 📚 Documentation improvements

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@belkocik, @GeorgiosDrivas, @k-rajat19, @kalyan90, @DungTiger, @fxnoob, @GuillaumeMeheut

Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@alexfauquette, @arminmeh, @arthurbalduini, @cherniavskii, @flaviendelangle, @JCQuintas, @KenanYusuf, @LukasTy,
@MBilalShafi, @michelengelen, @noraleonte, @oliviertassinari, @romgrk, @samuelsycamore, @joserodolfofreitas.

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

Date and Time Pickers

Breaking changes

  • The default DOM structure of the field has changed Learn more.

    • Before version v8.x, the fields' DOM structure consisted of an <input />, which held the whole value for the component, but unfortunately presents a few limitations in terms of accessibility when managing multiple section values.
    • Starting with version v8.x, all the field and picker components come with a new DOM structure that allows the field component to set aria attributes on individual sections, providing a far better experience with screen readers.
  • Some translation keys no longer require utils and the date object as parameters, but only the formatted value as a string. The keys affected by this changes are: clockLabelText, openDatePickerDialogue and openTimePickerDialogueLearn more.

  • The following types are no longer exported by @mui/x-date-pickers and @mui/x-date-pickers-proLearn more.

    • UseDateFieldComponentProps
    • UseTimeFieldComponentProps
    • UseDateTimeFieldComponentProps
    • BaseSingleInputFieldProps
    • BaseMultiInputFieldProps
    • BasePickersTextFieldProps
  • The TDate generic has been removed from all the types, interfaces, and variables of the @mui/x-date-pickers and @mui/x-date-pickers-pro packages — Learn more.

  • Renamed usePickersTranslations and usePickersContext hooks to have a coherent Picker prefix instead of PickersLearn more.

  • The LicenseInfo object is no longer exported from the @mui/x-date-pickers-pro package — Learn more.

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


Breaking changes

  • The legend prop got removed. To pass props to the legend, use slotProps={{ legend: { ... } }} instead. This can be automatically done with the codemod as long as the legend prop does not come from a destructured object — Learn more.

  • The slots.legend does not receive the drawingArea prop. You can still access your custom legend with the useDrawingArea() hook if your custom legend needs it.

  • Removed or renamed multiple props from Series — Learn more.

    • The highlighted and faded properties of highlightScope were deprecated in favor of highlight and fade.
      The deprecated ones are now removed.
    • The xAxisKey, yAxisKey, and zAxisKey properties got deprecated in favor of xAxisId, yAxisId, and zAxisId.
  • The Pie Chart lost all props and renderer linked to axes because pie chart does not need cartesian axes. If you used it, you can still add them back with composition. Please consider opening an issue to share your use case with us — Learn more.

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Tree View

Breaking changes

  • The ContentComponent or ContentProps props of the <TreeItem /> component have been removed in favor of the new slots, slotProps props and of the useTreeItem hook — Learn more.

  • The onClick and onMouseDown callbacks of the Tree Item component are now passed to the root element instead of the content — Learn more.

  • Rename the <TreeItem2 /> component (and related utils) — Learn more.

  • The <TreeView /> component has been renamed <SimpleTreeView /> which has exactly the same API — Learn more.

  • The indentation of nested Tree Items is now applied on the content of the element — Learn more.

@mui/[email protected]

  • [TreeView] Always apply the indentation on the item content instead of its parent's group (#15089) @f...
Read more


08 Nov 11:40
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We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 7 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 👨🏽‍💻 API enhancements
  • 🐞 Bugfixes

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@clins1994, @GuillaumeMeheut, @k-rajat19.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@LukasTy, @MBilalShafi, @KenanYusuf, @arminmeh.

Upcoming alpha

Keep an eye out for the MUI⠀X v8.0.0-aplha.0 release soon. It will follow a weekly release schedule as always until it is stable.

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Apply default properties if they are not passed in a reorder column (#15320) @k-rajat19
  • [DataGridPro] Toggle row expansion with Enter key in Tree data (#15313) @k-rajat19

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPremium] Fix incorrect rows selection count when selection propagation is enabled with row grouping (#15222) @arminmeh

Date and Time Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


01 Nov 05:51
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Nov 1, 2024

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 7 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • 📚 Documentation improvements
  • 🌍 Improve Polish (pl-PL) locale on the Date Pickers

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@wojtkolos, @dpak-maurya, @k-rajat19.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@LukasTy, @arminmeh, @MBilalShafi, @KenanYusuf, @flaviendelangle.

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

@mui/[email protected] premium

  • [DataGridPremium] Keep focus on the grouping cell on space bar press #15155 @k-rajat19

Date and Time Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Tree View

@mui/[email protected]

  • [TreeView] Export TreeItem2DragAndDropOverlay and TreeItem2LabelInput from the root of each package (#15208) @flaviendelangle
  • [TreeView] Fix drag and drop color usage (#15149) @LukasTy

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


  • [docs] Add section explaining how to keep the selection while filtering in Data grid docs (#15199) @arminmeh


25 Oct 15:33
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We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 11 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@clins1994, @GITPHLAP, @k-rajat19, @kalyan90, @merotosc, @yash49.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@cherniavskii, @flaviendelangle, @LukasTy, @MBilalShafi, @romgrk.

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Fix GridPanelAnchor positioning (#15022) @k-rajat19
  • [DataGrid] Fix ugly prop-types for the pageStyle prop of the GridPrintExportMenuItem component (#15015) @flaviendelangle
  • [DataGrid] Fix value type in filter model for number and boolean column type (#14733) @k-rajat19
  • [DataGrid] Focus next row when the focused row is deleted (#15067) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Remove some usages of <Box /> and <Badge /> (#15013) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Fix number of rows to display for page size options with negative value (#14890) @kalyan90
  • [l10n] Improve Portuguese (pt-BR) locale (#15021) @k-rajat19

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

Date and Time Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Fix DateCalendar timezone management (#15119) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Fix DigitalClock time options on a DST switch day (#15092) @LukasTy

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


@mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Export data type in onAxisClick(_, data) callback (#15038) @clins1994

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Tree View

@mui/[email protected]




17 Oct 16:16
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We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@k-rajat19, @kalyan90, @rotembarsela, @wangkailang.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@arthurbalduini, @cherniavskii, @flaviendelangle, @JCQuintas, @LukasTy, @MBilalShafi, @arminmeh, @romgrk, @KenanYusuf, @oliviertassinari, @samuelsycamore.

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Fix onRowSelectionModelChange firing unnecessarily on initial render (#14909) @MBilalShafi
  • [DataGrid] Fix onRowSelectionModelChange not being called after row is removed (#14972) @arminmeh
  • [DataGrid] Fix pagination scrollbar issue on small zoom (#14911) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Fix scroll jumping (#14929) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Fix excessive white space at the end of the Data Grid (#14864) @kalyan90

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date and Time Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


@mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Allow dataset to be used with the Scatter Chart (#14915) @JCQuintas
  • [charts] Ensure reduce motion preference disables animation on page load (#14417) @JCQuintas

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Tree View

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected]




11 Oct 09:38
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We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 14 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 📚 Updated "What's new" page giving more detailed overview of the latest new features and other highlights
  • 📚 New collapsible column groups demo for the Data Grid component
  • 📚 New Tree Item Customization documentation to learn how to use the new APIs to create custom Tree Items. The old APIs (props.ContentComponent and props.ContentProps) have been deprecated and will be removed in the new major version of the Tree View component.
  • 🌍 Improve Japanese (ja-JP) locale on the Data Grid component
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • 📚 Other documentation improvements

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@k-rajat19, @kalyan90, @uma-neko, @vfbiby.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release: @alelthomas, @arminmeh, @arthurbalduini,
@cherniavskii, @flaviendelangle, @JCQuintas, @MBilalShafi, @noraleonte, @oliviertassinari, @samuelsycamore, @siriwatknp.

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date and Time Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Add PageUp and PageDown support for time components (#14812) @arthurbalduini
  • [pickers] Fix regression on PickerValidDate (#14896) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Move the DateFieldInPickerProps interface to the DatePicker folder and rename it DatePickerFieldProps (same for time and date time) (#14828) @flaviendelangle

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


@mui/[email protected]

No changes since @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Tree View

@mui/[email protected]

