.Net Core 6.0 is used
Cross Cutting Concerns *interceptor Autofac library is used.
- Performance
- Transaction
- Validation
- Caching
Entity Framework ORM kullanılarak geliştirildi.
AOP is developed in modularity with Cross Cutting Concerns.
Exception Middleware provide central error mechanism.
Claim mekanism provides that role based authorization.
JWT (JSON Web Token) identity verification.
With Fluent Validation is developed validation process.
With IoC(Inversion Of Control) (loose coupling) is created classes.
With REST and RESTFUL WEB SERVICES communicate server-client.
- Core: It is a generic layer that allows tools to be used in other projects.
- Entities: The layer where we convert the tables in the database into objects.
- DataAccess: The layer that can access to database.
- Business: The layer where we develop our business rules.
- WebAPI: Restful (Representational State Transfer) is the layer where we provide server-client communication with the HTTP protocol.