You are required to create “GOODIES BAKERY” Management system using database. This system has two Interfaces. • Admin • Customer
Admin is responsible to add bakery Items, Update Items, remove Items and check the previous all bakery selling records and food inventory details. “----------------------------------------- WELCOME ADMIN ------------------------------------------------" • AddItem • UpdateItem • DeleteItem • Records • FoodInventoryDetails • Exit
Customer is responsible to select the items from menu (Their prices must be given Infront of every item), add them into cart, pay their bills and get invoice. You must control everything like if the selected bakery items are not enough then what should you do? Admin must be login first to control the bakery items. Customers must give their Name and phone numbers when they will about pay bill. Note: • Use N-Tier Architecture is optional but if someone does, it will be highly appreciable. • Use exception handling if necessary. • Write program logic neatly, the more difficult it is for us to check the more marks will be deducted.