- Works in the browser or NodeJS
- Accepts
of types: Base64 | File | Blob | String
npm install fileinfo
const fileinfo = require('fileinfo')
fileinfo(input).then({mime, type, extension} => {
/* Detect whether an input is of a specific type */
fileinfo.is(input, targetType).then(truthy => {
/* text */
json: {mime: 'application/json', type: 'text'},
txt: {mime: 'text/plain', type: 'text'},
/* image */
bmp: {mime: 'image/bmp', type: 'image'},
gif: {mime: 'image/gif', type: 'image'},
icns: {mime: 'image/icns', type: 'image'},
ico: {mime: 'image/x-icon', type: 'image'},
jpeg: {mime: 'image/jpg', type: 'image'},
jpg: {mime: 'image/jpg', type: 'image'},
png: {mime: 'image/png', type: 'image'},
tiff: {mime: 'image/tiff', type: 'image'},
webp: {mime: 'image/webp', type: 'image'},
/* audio */
aiff: {mime: 'audio/aiff', type: 'audio'},
mid: {mime: 'audio/mid', type: 'audio'},
mp3: {mime: 'audio/mpeg', type: 'audio'},
ogg: {mime: 'audio/ogg', type: 'audio'},
wav: {mime: 'audio/wav', type: 'audio'},
/* video */
mp4: {mime: 'video/mp4', type: 'video'},
mpeg: {mime: 'video/mpeg', type: 'video'},
webm: {mime: 'video/webm', type: 'video'},
/* clipart */
svg: {mime: 'image/svg+xml', type: 'clipart'},
/* font */
eot: {mime: 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject', type: 'font'}, // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_OpenType
otf: {mime: 'application/font-sfnt', type: 'font'},
ttf: {mime: 'application/font-sfnt', type: 'font'},
woff: {mime: 'application/font-woff', type: 'font'},
woff2: {mime: 'application/font-woff', type: 'font'},
/* package */
pdf: {mime: 'application/pdf', type: 'package'},
ps: {mime: 'application/postscript', type: 'package'},
psd: {mime: 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', type: 'package'},
rtf: {mime: 'application/rtf', type: 'package'},
zip: {mime: 'application/zip', type: 'package'}