git clone --recursive
cd muchmala-dev
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /opt/muchmala
npm install
jake install
jake start
Create S3 bucket with the name like
for JS/CSS/images, including puzzles images. -
Launch instance based on AMI
(others weren't tested, but any Ubuntu 10.10+ should work). Don't forget to allow incoming connections to port 80 in EC2 security group settings. -
SSH into your EC2 instance.
and redefine all required variables like S3 keys etc.grep -nr "process.env.MUCHMALA_" .
Load those redefined variables with
. ~/muchmala.env
. -
Update packages info.
sudo apt-get update
Install git, ruby and rubygems.
sudo apt-get install -y git ruby1.8-dev rubygems
Install chef.
sudo gem install --version 0.10.4 chef --no-rdoc --no-ri
Create project directory and change it's owner/group to the current user.
sudo mkdir /opt/muchmala sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt/muchmala
Clone the project repository into project directory.
git clone --recursive /opt/muchmala
Go into project directory and run chef-solo.
cd /opt/muchmala sudo /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/chef-solo -c chef/solo.rb -j chef/node.json
Install required node modules.
npm install
Install the rest of dependencies using jake.
jake install
Prepare and upload static files.
cd components/muchmala-frontend jake prepare-static
Run all services.
cd ../.. jake start
That's all, folks.