React component for calendar widget.
React Input Calendar is available as an npm package.
npm install react-input-calendar
Use browserify and reactify for dependency management and JSX transformation.
All styles written in CSS and are in file input-component.css.
var Calendar = require('react-input-calendar');
Type: String
Default: 'MM-DD-YYYY'
Allowed Keys: All formats supported by moment.js
Format of date, which display in input and set in date property.
Type: String
or Array
Default: 'props.format'
Allowed Keys: All formats supported by moment.js
This property allows the parsing format to be different to the display format. Format or Formats could be used to parse manually entered dates. The parsing does only happen if the date was entered manually and on blur of the input field gets called.
Type: String
or Date
Default: Current date
Set initial date value.
Type: String
or Date
Defaults: null
Set the selectable minimum date.
Type: String
or Date
Defaults: null
Set the selectable maximum date.
Type: Int
(from 0 to 2)
Default: 0 (DaysView)
Set minimal view. Values:
0 - days
1 - months
2 - years.
Type: String
Default: 'MM-DD-YYYY'
Allowed Keys: All formats supported by moment.js
Format of date for the onChange event. Default on the date format (ISO 8601) to ease the save of data.
Type: Boolean
Defaults: false
If set true
, the parsing process will catch bad dates and does
not try to parse the date with the native js date function and does not set
the date to now either. Therefore the computed date will be reported as 'Invalid date'.
Type: Function
Default: null
Set a function that will be triggered whenever there is a change in the selected date. It will return the date in the props.computableFormat
Type: Function
Default: null
Set a function that will be triggered when the input field is blurred. It will return the event and the date in the props.computableFormat format.
Type: Boolean
Default: undefined
Define state when date picker would close once the user has clicked on a date.
Type Boolean
Default: undefined
Setting this value to true makes the calendar widget open when the iput field is focused.
Type Boolean
Default: false
If true, the icon next to the input field will not be shown. Make sure you set openOnInputFocus to true if using this.
Type: String
Default: undefined
Value to show in the input text box if no date is set.
Type: String
Default: null
Define the ID of the input field where the date picker represents it's value. This can be useful when the date picker is used with a label element. The label element can be bound to the input field using the label for
Type: String
Default: 'input-calendar-value'
Define the class name of the input field where the date picker represents its value.