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Effortlessly construct intricate USSD menus with streamlined efficiency by replacing convoluted nests of PHP files with the simplicity of XML-based menu construction. This approach allows for seamless execution similar to standard PHP scripts, minimizing code complexity and enhancing readability.

Let's explore an example of a simple SACCO USSD application.

<menu name="sacco">
    <action name="check_user" />
    <options header="SACCO Services" noback="no">
        <option text="Savings">
            <list header="Saving Accounts" provider="saving_accounts" prefix="account" />
            <options header="Savings">
                <option text="Deposit">
                    <options header="Deposit From:">
                        <option text="My Number">
                            <variable name="sender" value="{{phone_number}}" />
                        <option text="Another Number">
                            <question name="sender" text="Enter Phone Number: " />
                    <question name="amount" text="Enter Amount: " />
                    <action name="deposit" />
                <option text="Withdraw">
                    <options header="Withdraw To:">
                        <option text="My Number">
                            <variable name="receiver" value="{{phone_number}}" />
                        <option text="Another Number">
                            <question name="receiver" text="Enter Phone Number: " />
                    <question name="amount" text="Enter Amount: " />
                    <action name="withdraw" />
                <option text="Check Balance">
                    <action name="check_balance" text="To see your balance, enter PIN: " />
                <option text="Check Transaction">
                    <question name="transaction_id" text="Enter Transaction ID: " />
                    <action name="check_transaction" text="To check transaction, enter PIN: " />
        <option text="Loans">
            <response text="Coming soon." />

Getting started


composer require bmatovu/laravel-ussd


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bmatovu\Ussd\UssdServiceProvider"




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<menu name="demo">
    <question name="guest" text="Enter Name: " />
    <response text="Hello {{guest}}." />


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Bmatovu\Ussd\Exceptions\FlowBreakException;
use Bmatovu\Ussd\Ussd;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;

 * @see
class UssdController extends Controller
    public function __invoke(Request $request): Response
        try {
            $output = Ussd::make('menu.xml', $request->sessionId)->handle($request->text);
        } catch(FlowBreakException $ex) {
            return response('END ' . $ex->getMessage());
        } catch(\Exception $ex) {
            return response('END ' . get_class($ex));

        return response('CON ' . $output);


use App\Http\Controllers\UssdController;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::post('/ussd', [UssdController::class, '__invoke']);

See more examples in the demo repo

Menu validation

The Schema

You can publish the default schema with the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bmatovu\Ussd\UssdServiceProvider" --tag="ussd-schema"

To ensure your menu files conform to the schema, you can validate them with the following command:

php artisan ussd:validate

VSCode integration

For real-time XSD validations and suggestions, you can use the RedHat XML extension in Visual Studio Code. This extension provides helpful features for working with XML schemas, including syntax highlighting and validation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <menu name="demo">
+ <menu name="demo"
+     xmlns:xsi=""
+     xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="menu.xsd">
      <question name="guest" text="Enter Name: " />
      <response text="Hello {{guest}}." />


The package includes a CLI USSD simulator that supports several popular aggregators.

To get started, publish the simulator configuration file and update it with your aggregator and USSD service endpoint.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bmatovu\Ussd\UssdServiceProvider" --tag="ussd-simulator"


./vendor/bin/ussd --help
./vendor/bin/ussd 256772100103


  • Africastalking
  • Comviva (Airtel & MTN)

If your aggregator is not listed, you can request its addition by contacting us or by submitting a pull request.



$color = 'blue';
<variable name="color" value="blue"/>

Note: This tag has no output


$username = readline('Enter username: ');
<question name="username" text="Enter username: "/>


exit('Thank you for banking with us.');
<response text="Thank you for banking with us."/>

Note: this tag throws a FlowBreakException to mark a break in the normal flow.


Options are like named grouped if, else-if statements that allow a user to navigate to a predefined path.

$choice = readline('Choose service [1. Deposit, 2. Withdraw]: ');

if($choice === 1) {
    // deposit...
} elseif($choice === 2) {
    // withdraw...
<options header="Choose service">
    <option text="Deposit">
        <!-- ... -->
    <option text="Withdraw">
        <!-- ... -->

Disable backward navigation

By default, a 0) Back option is added to the rendered options. To disable this behaviour, use the noback attribute.

Note: Top-level options should use the noback attribute as there’s no previous level to return to.

<options header="Choose service" noback="no">
    <!-- ... -->


It can contain any other tags, including nested <if> tags.

if($role == 'treasurer') {
    // ...
<if key="role" value="treasurer">
    <!-- ... -->


This construct is intended to handle scenarios typically covered by if, else if, else, and switch statements.

Example #1

if($role == 'treasurer') {
    // ...
} else {
    // ...
    <when key="role" value="treasurer">
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->

Example #2

if($role == 'treasurer') {
    // ...
} elseif($role == 'member') {
    // ...
} else {

    <when key="role" value="treasurer">
        <!-- ... -->
    <when key="role" value="member">
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->

Example #3

switch ($role) {
    case "treasurer":
        // ...
    case "member":
        // ...
        // ...
    <when key="role" value="treasurer">
        <!-- ... -->
    <when key="role" value="memeber">
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->


Action tags enable you to execute more tailored operations.

$userInfo = \App\Ussd\Actions\GetUserInfoAction('256732000000');


You can provide arguments for these actions either through attributes or by defining variables.

<!-- Read from cache -->
<!-- $msisdn = $this->store->get('msisdn'); -->
<action name="get_user_info"/>

<!-- Pass as attribute -->
<action name="get_user_info" msisdn="{{msisdn}}"/>

<!-- Pass as variable -->
<action name="get_user_info">
    <variable name="msisdn" value="{{msisdn}}"/>

Getting user input

When the text attribute is included in an action tag, it prompts the user for input in the same way that a <question> tag would.

<!-- Approach #1 - user input handled by a qn tag -->
<question name="pin" text="To check balance, enter PIN: "/>
<action name="validate_pin"/>

<!-- Approach #2 - user input handled by the action -->
<action name="validate_pin" text="To check balance, enter PIN: "/>


Lists are designed to show dynamic items.

To use this feature, your provider must supply a list where each item includes both an id (a unique identifier) and a label (the text displayed to the user).

$listItems = (new \App\Ussd\Providers\SavingAccountsProvider)->load();

        'id' => 4364852, // account_id 
        'label' => '01085475262', // account_number
<list header="Saving Accounts" provider="saving_accounts" prefix="account"/>

Accessing the selected item on the list

<!-- Format: {prefix}_<id, label> -->
<response text="{{account_id}}"/><!-- 4364852 -->
<response text="{{account_label}}"/><!-- 01085475262 -->

Note: Similar to actions, you can pass arguments to lists via attributes or as variables.



The <response> tag throws a FlowBreakException which MUST be handled in your controller to manage the flow of the USSD interaction.

Additionally, you can catch other exceptions and optionally translate them into user-friendly messages, as demonstrated below...

try {
    $output = Ussd::make('menu.xml', $request->session_id)
} catch(FlowBreakException $ex) {
    return response('END ' . $ex->getMessage());
} catch(\Exception $ex) {
    // return response('END ' . get_class($ex));
    return response('END ' . trans(get_class($ex)));

return response('CON ' . $output);


    "RequestException": "Sorry, we failed to process your request.",
    "TimeoutException": "Your request has timed out.",
    "AuthenticationException": "Invalid user credentials.",
    "AuthorizationException": "You are not authorized to perform this action."

Note: To minimize logging, the FlowBreakException should not be reported by your application. Ref


You can also configure the number of retry attempts and specify a custom error message.


Using regex patterns.

      text="Enter PIN: "
+     retries="1"
+     pattern="^[0-9]{5}$"
+     error="You entered the wrong PIN. Try again" />

Options & Lists

Validation can also be performed based on the available options in the list.

      header="Choose a test"
+     retries="1"
+     error="Choose the correct number:">
      header="Saving Accounts" 
+     retries="1"
+     error="Choose the correct number:"/>

Note: Using retries in <action> tags is not recommended because these tags do not have visibility into the context provided by preceding tags.


The <if> and <when> tags support various types of comparisons.

If a comparison condition (cond) is not specified or is unsupported, the default comparison is eq (equals)

<if key="age" value="18">
<if key="age" cond="eq" value="18">
Type Conditions
Numbers - lt
- gt
- lte
- gte
- eq
- ne
- btn
Strings - str.equals
- str.not_equals
- str.starts
- str.ends
- str.contains
Regex - regex.match
Arrays -
- arr.not_in
Dates - date.equals
- date.before
- date.after
- date.between
Time - time.equals
- time.before
- time.after
- time.between

Create translation files within your project and reference the keys in your menu files. Here’s an example:


<menu name="demo">
    <action name="set_locale" locale="fr" />
    <question name="guest" text="AskForName" />
    <response text="GreetGuest" />


    "AskForName": "Entrez le nom:",
    "GreetGuest": "Boujour {{guest}}"

USSD simulation

ussd-demo$ vendor/bin/ussd 250723000123
Entrez le nom: 

Boujour John


  • use the set_locale action to change locale directly from the USSD menu, and
  • use App::setLocale to change the locale from your controller


This package stores USSD session data in the cache. Each key is prefixed with the session_id and will automatically expire based on the configured ttl (time-to-live).

Accessing variables

<variable name="color" value="blue"/>
$this->store->get('color'); // blue

Cache::store($driver)->get("{$sessionId}color"); // blue

Reusing existing variables

<variable name="msg" value="Bye bye."/>

<response text="{{msg}}"/> <!-- Bye bye -->


Save default variables

Here's an example of how to save a variable from an incoming USSD request:

Ussd::make($menu, $request->session_id)
        'phone_number' => $request->phone_number,

Use custom menu entry point

By default, parsing begins at the first element in your menu file, which corresponds to /menu/*[1].

If you want to start parsing from a different point or use a custom menu structure, you can specify the entry point in your code:

Ussd::make($menu, $request->session_id)

See: xpath playground


You can enhance the USSD simulator by adding your preferred aggregator.

To do this, register the aggregator in the simulator configuration file. Ensure that the provider class implements the Bmatovu\Ussd\Contracts\Aggregator interface.


+     "aggregator": "africastalking",
      "aggregators": {
+         "africastalking": {
+             "provider": "App\\Ussd\\Simulator\\Africastalking",
+             "uri": "http://localhost:8000/api/ussd",
+             "service_code": "*123#"
+         }


XML is often preferred for constructing configurations that resemble programming logic due to its robust schema validation capabilities and its clear, hierarchical structure. XML’s format is particularly useful for complex configurations and data structures, as it maintains readability and provides straightforward validation against defined schemas.

<menu name="demo">
    <question name="guest" text="Enter Name: "/>
    <response text="Hello {{guest}}."/>
    "@name": "demo",
    "question": {
        "@name": "guest",
        "@text": "Enter Name:"
    "response": {
        "@text": "Hello {{guest}}."


To run the package's unit tests, run the following command:

composer test
