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Puppet Forge Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Limitations
  6. Development
  7. Release Notes

1. Overview

This module can install and configure zabbix agent [ and the server in future ]

2. Module Description

Module to manage Zabbix Agent.

3. Setup

See Usage

What module affects

  • This module module will set the zabbix repository [2.4] and install the latest version of agent

Setup Requirements


This is a great module to configure your Zabbix agent.

4. Usage

You have three ways to usage the class

  1. Using default template
class { 'zabbix::agent': 
	opt_use_template => 'yes',
	server 		 => 'your.zabbix.server',
  1. Using custom template
class { 'zabbix::agent': 
	opt_use_template => 'yes',
	server 		 => 'your.zabbix.server',
	agent_template   => 'path/to/your/template.erb',
  1. Using custom configuration
class { 'zabbix::agent': 
	opt_use_template => 'no',
	server		 => 'your.zabbix.server',
	listen_port      => "$::ipaddress",
	listen_ip        => '10050',
	start_agents     => '2',
	server_active    => 'your.zabbix.server',
	buffers_send     => '10',
	buffers_size     => '512',

5. Limitations

OS compatibility [tested]:

  • Red Hat family 7+

We're working to support more OS.

6. Development

See project page at :

7. Release Notes


  • Fix metadata dependences

[1.1.0] <-

  • Add firewall rule when agent is installed
  • Check selinux rules and show a message when it's enforcing mode.


  • Review puppet code style and inheritance
  • Review Documentation


  • Fix inheritance
  • Review puppet code style


  • Fix default env names


  • Add zabbix agent configuration


Puppet module to manager Zabbix






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