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IDnow Video Ident iOS SDK + Sample App


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  • Xcode 8.0 or later
  • Deployment Target: iOS 8.0 or later
  • Supported Devices: iPhone (4s + later), iPod Touch (5 + later), iPad (2 + later)
  • Cocoapods installed
  • Device with Wifi / 3G / LTE



Watch the video

  • Add the following config and pod dependencies to your podfile:
use_frameworks! :linkage => :static
pod 'IDnowSDK'
  • Then, run the following command:
pod install
  • Import SDK by using "@import IDnowSDK"


As of XCode 9 there might be a chance that you experience a problem with your host apps AppIcon in case you use CocoaPods. One of the symptoms is that the AppIcon will not be visible if you run your app either on the simulator or a real device. There are many reasons why assets/resources are not present (wrong format, transparency, wrong size, ...) but one might be that the auto generated shell script which builds the pods resources misses a flag telling actool the name of the app-icon.

If you encounter this try to add the following to your projects Podfile exchanging <YOUR_PRODUCT> with the name of your project:

post_install do |installer|
    copy_pods_resources_path = "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-<YOUR_PRODUCT>/Pods-<YOUR_PRODUCT>"
    string_to_replace = '--compile "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}"'
    assets_compile_with_app_icon_arguments = '--compile "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}" --app-icon "${ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME}" --output-partial-info-plist "${BUILD_DIR}/assetcatalog_generated_info.plist"'
    text =
    new_contents = text.gsub(string_to_replace, assets_compile_with_app_icon_arguments), "w") {|file| file.puts new_contents }


Watch the video

  • Add the following pod dependencies to your podfile:
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 4.0.1'
pod 'FLAnimatedImage', '~> 1.0'
pod 'SocketRocket', '~> 0.5.1'
pod 'Masonry', '~> 1.1.0'
pod 'libPhoneNumber-iOS', '~> 0.9'
  • Download the current release from and copy the idnow-sdk folder to your project directory
  • Or add the repo as a git submodule (git lfs required. For the initial checkout do git lfs pull)
  • Drag idnow-sdk folder into your Xcode project
  • Add to your "Link binary with libraries" section
  • import 'IDnowSDK.h' // --> Objective-C Project
  • or import IDnowSDK // --> Swift Project

Note: To get the sample projects work, you have to call "pod install" to install dependencies.


The settings that should be used for the identification process provided by IDnow.


A token that will be used for instantiating a photo or video identification.


Your company id provided by IDnow.


Optional: The environment that should be used for the identification (DEV, TEST, LIVE) The default value is IDnowEnvironmentNotDefined. The used environment will then base on the prefix of the transaction token (DEV -> DEV, TST -> Test, else -> Live). You can use the special IDnowEnvironmentCustom to define a custom IDnow installation. If this is done, you need to set the apiHost and websocketHost.


Optional: If set to false, the Error-Success-Screen provided by the SDK will not be displayed. The default value of this property is true.


Optional: If set to false, the video overview check screen will not be shown befsore starting a video identification. The default value of this property is true.


Optional: If set to true, the UI for the identification will always be displayed modal. By default the value of this property is false and the identification UI will be pushed on an existing navigation controller if possible.


Optional: Specifies the presentation style for the modal ident viewcontroller. E.g. Can be set to UIModalPresentationCurrentContext to allow presenting ident view controller within a popover on an iPad.


The target server url for REST calls if custom server is used.


The target server url for websocket calls if custom server is used.


The connection type to use to talk the backend. (Websocket)


Warning: Branding is only allowed if you have the permissions from IDnow.



Optional color, that replaces the default text color. Default: A nearly black color Recommendation: Should be some kind of a dark color that does not collide with white color.


Optional color, that replaces the default brand color. Default: defaultTextColor Used in headlines, checkboxes, links, alerts etc. Recommendation: Should be a color that does not collide with white color.


Optional color, that replaces the proceed button background color. Default: An orange color


Optional color, that replaces the proceed button text color. Default value: White color


Optional color, that replaces the photo ident retake button background color. Default value: defaultTextColor


Optional color, that replaces the photo ident retake button text color. Default value: proceedButtonTextColor


Optional color, that replaces the default color of textfield backgrounds and borders Default: defaultTextColor


Optional color, that replaces the text color in the result screen, when an identification failed. Default: A red color


Optional color, that replaces the text color in the result screen, when an identification was successful. Default: A green color



Optional color that replaces default dark gray for the outer ring indicator on the quality check screen. Default: dark gray


Optional color that replaces default light gray for the inner ring indicator on the quality check screen. Default: light gray


Optional color that replaces default bright red for the inner ring indicator in case bad network quality on the quality check screen. Default: bright red


Optional color that replaces default bright orange for the inner ring indicator in case moderate network quality on the quality check screen. Default: bright orange


Optional color that replaces default strong yellow for the inner ring indicator in case excellent network quality on the quality check screen. Default: strong yellow (almost green).



Optional: Forces the light status bar style to match dark navigation bars. If you tint your navigation bar with a dark color by adjusting navigation bar appearance (e.g. a blue color) you can set this value to true. The statusbar style will then be adjusted to light in screens where the navigation bar is visible.



An optional font name that can be used to replace the regular font used by the SDK. Default: System Font: Helvetica Neue Regular (< iOS 9), San Francisco Regular (>= iOS 9)


An optional font name that can be used to replace the medium font used by the SDK. Default: System Font: Helvetica Neue Medium (< iOS 9), San Francisco Medium (>= iOS 9)


An optional font name that can be used to replace the light font used by the SDK. Default: System Font: Helvetica Neue Light (< iOS 9), San Francisco Light (>= iOS 9)


In order to use push notifications via the IDnow SDK it is neccessary that your own AppDelegate inherits from the provided IDnowAppDelegate. This is neccessary since the callbacks form Apple concerning registration and reception of push notifications is soley handled through the AppDelegate which is not part of our SDK. In case your own AppDelegate implements interfaces present in the IDnow SDK please make sure to make a call the super classes (IDnowAppDelegate) implementation as well.

Additionally we will need the production certifcate/key pair to send notifications via push to your app via our backend.

// header
@interface YourAppDelegate : IDnowAppDelegate


// implementation
@implementation YourAppDelegate

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError*)error
    [super application:application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:error];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:(UIUserNotificationSettings *)notificationSettings
	[super application:application didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:notificationSettings];

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(nonnull NSData*)deviceToken
	[super application:application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken];

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(nullable NSDictionary *)launchOptions
	[super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
	[super application:application didReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
                                                       fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult result))completionHandler
	[super application:application didReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo



// Setup IDnowAppearance
IDnowAppearance *appearance = [IDnowAppearance sharedAppearance];
// Adjust colors
appearance.defaultTextColor = [UIColor blackColor];
appearance.primaryBrandColor = [UIColor blueColor];
appearance.proceedButtonBackgroundColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
appearance.failureColor = [UIColor redColor];
appearance.successColor = [UIColor greenColor];
// Adjust statusbar
appearance.enableStatusBarStyleLightContent = YES;
// Adjust fonts
appearance.fontNameRegular = @"AmericanTypewriter";
appearance.fontNameLight = @"AmericanTypewriter-Light";
appearance.fontNameMedium = @"AmericanTypewriter-CondensedBold";

// To adjust navigation bar / bar button items etc. you should follow Apples UIAppearance protocol.

// Setup IDnowSettings
IDnowSettings *settings = [IDnowSettings settingsWithCompanyID:@"yourCompanyIdentifier"];
settings.transactionToken = @"DEV-TXTXT";

// Initialise and start identification
IDnowController *idnowController = [[IDnowController alloc] initWithSettings: settings];

// Initialize identification using blocks 
// (alternatively you can set the delegate and implement the IDnowControllerDelegate protocol)
[idnowController initializeWithCompletionBlock: ^(BOOL success, NSError *error, BOOL canceledByUser)
		if ( success )
		      // Start identification using blocks
			  [idnowController startIdentificationFromViewController: self 
			  withCompletionBlock: ^(BOOL success, NSError *error, BOOL canceledByUser)
					  if ( success )
					      // identification was successfull
					      // identification failed / canceled
		else if ( error )
		      // Present an alert containing localized error description
			  UIAlertController *alertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle: @"Error" 
			  message: error.localizedDescription 
			  preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
			  UIAlertAction *action = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle: @"Ok" 
			  style: UIAlertActionStyleCancel 
			  handler: nil];
			  [alertController addAction: action];
			  [self presentViewController: alertController animated: true completion: nil];

You can also change some of the optional settings:

// Optionally disable success and error screens
settings.showErrorSuccessScreen = NO;
settings.showVideoOverviewCheck = NO;
settings.forceModalPresentation = YES;
settings.showIdentTokenOnCheckScreen = YES;

// Optionally enable custom server with long polling
settings.environment = IDnowEnvironmentCustom;
settings.apiHost = @"";
settings.websocketHost = @"";
settings.connectionType = IDnowConnectionTypeLongPolling;


Warning: Adapting localizations is only allowed if you have the permissions from IDnow.

In case you would like to change the localization used by the IDnow SDK at runtime you can do:

Allowed values are: en (English), de (German), fr (French), es (Spanish), it (Italian), pt (Portugese), et (Estonian), hr (Croatian), hu (Hungarian), ka (Georgian), ko(Korean), lt(Lithuanian), lv (Latvian), nl (Dutch), pl (Polish), ru (Russian), zh (Chinese).

settings.userInterfaceLanguage = @"de"; // this field accepts the following languages (de,en,it,es,pt)

English and German Localizations are provided by the SDK (IDnowSDKLocalization.bundle) You can overwrite localisation in your own Localizable.strings files.


//Defined in the IDnowSDKLocalization.bundle

//Overwrite in your Localizable.strings file:

eID Framework

eID Requirements

  • Xcode 11.x or later
  • Deployment Target: iOS 11.0 or later Note: NFC can work only with iPhone 7 and higher

eID Installation

Host app settings

  • Add the idnow_eid.framework, CoreNFC.framework to Link Binary With Libraries. And the AAL framework must be added to your Xcode project as well. You can simply drag and drop the AuthadaAuthenticationLibrary.xcframework folder to your Xcode project.(_ screenshot 1 _)
  • Add Near Field Communication Tag Reading as a capability. In the entitlements file, check if there is an array for the key Near Field Communication Tag Reader Session Format, make sure the array contains the entry NFC tag-specific data protocol. (_screenshot 2_)
  • Update the Info.plis file: -- Add an array with the key / ISO7816 application identifiers for NFC Tag Reader Session. Then add 2 items to the array: E80704007F00070302, A0000002471001. -- Add a description for Privacy - NFC Scan Usage Description _ screenshot 3_ NOTE:
    • AuthadaAuthenticationLibrary.xcframework will be provided seprately.
    • Make sure both AuthadaAuthenticationLibrary and idnow_eid framework are added in Embeded Frameworks section

eID Usage:

Objective C

@import idnow_eid;


import idnow_eid

eID Branding (IDN_eIDAppearance)

Warning: Branding is only allowed if you have the permissions from IDnow.

eID Colors


Optional color, that replaces the default text color. Default: A nearly black color Recommendation: Should be some kind of a dark color that does not collide with white color.


Optional color, that replaces the default brand color. Recommendation: Should be a color that does not collide with white color.


Optional color, that replaces the proceed button background color. Default: An orange color


Optional color, that replaces the proceed button text color. Default value: White color


Optional color, that replaces the default color of textfield backgrounds and borders Default: defaultTextColor

eID Fonts


An optional font name that can be used to replace the regular font used by the SDK. Default: System regular Font


An optional font name that can be used to replace the bold font used by the SDK. Default: System bold Font

eID Button styles


Default: YES - Underline all button titles Set this to NO in order to underline button title text


Default: YES - Make button titles bold Set this to NO in order to use normal font weight in button titles

eID Usage example


        let eidAppearance = IDN_eIDAppearance.shared
        eidAppearance.underlineButtonTitles = false
        eidAppearance.fontNameBold          = "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT"
        eidAppearance.fontNameRegular       = "TimesNewRomanPSMT"
        eidAppearance.primaryBrandColor     = .cyan
        eidAppearance.proceedButtonBackgroundColor = .magenta
        eidAppearance.linkColor             = .systemBlue
guard let token = textField.text, !token.isEmpty else { 
            // input token validate
        eidRouter = IDN_eIDRouter(
            withControlller: self,
            token: token,            
            completion: { [unowned self] (support, error) in
                if support {
                    self.eidRouter.present { 
                    (identSuccess, continueVideoIdent, error) in
                        if continueVideoIdent { 
                            print("LOG: - Continue video identification")
                        } else if let error = error {
                            print("LOG: - Failed \(error)")
                        } else {
                            print("LOG: - Identification finished \(identSuccess ? "Successfully" : "Failed")")
                } else {
                    print("LOG: - Device not support nfc ")

Error codes

enum IDN_eIDError : Int, Error {
    case unsupportedNFC
    case userCancelled
    case invalidToken
    case preconditionFailed
    case tokenUnsupportElectronicCard
    case unknown


    IDN_eIDAppearance *appearance = IDN_eIDAppearance.shared;
    appearance.primaryBrandColor             = UIColor.cyanColor;
    appearance.proceedButtonBackgroundColor = UIColor.magentaColor;
    appearance.linkColor                    = UIColor.blueColor;
    appearance.underlineButtonTitles        = false;
    appearance.fontNameRegular     = @"TimesNewRomanPSMT";
    appearance.fontNameBold        = @"TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT";
self.eidRouter = [[IDN_eIDRouter alloc]
                      token: token
                      completion:^(BOOL supported, NSError * error) {
        if (supported) { // device supported, and can continue eID
            [self.eidRouter present:^(BOOL success, BOOL
                                      NSError * error) {
                if (continueVideoIdent) { // Start video ident
                    NSLog(@"LOG: - Video identification");
                else if (error) {
                    NSLog(@"LOG: - Error %@", error.localizedDescription);
                } else {
                    NSLog(@"LOG: - Identification finished with %s",
                    success ? "Successfully" : "Failed" );
        } else {
            NSLog(@"LOG: - Device doesnot support");

Error codes:



IDnow Video Ident iOS SDK + Sample App







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  • Objective-C 100.0%