Lorenzetti is a framework for the HEP community to freely exploit the full potential of calorimetry data. We expect to enable the community to mitigate bottlenecks for R&D in processing algorithms using calorimetry data by providing:
- Unified low-level calorimetry and physics information based on full simulation (geant);
- Free-to-use data.
In other words, it provides a way for the HEP community to work on proof-of-concepts (POCs) using simulated data that is currently difficult to obtain on experiments and to publish them independently. We believe that this possibility, i.e. to publish POCs apart from the experiments, can be a powerful way to foster scientific exchange within the HEP community, but also to facilitate the exchange of processing algorithms with the broader scientific community.
We welcome everyone to contribute!
Please cite if you use the software.
We should include some description here.
The easiest way to use Lorenzetti is by employing either docker or singularity based on the images we provide at the Lorenzetti's DockerHub. Technical details on how these images are generated are available here.
When using lorenzetti on the same host, use lorenzett/lorenzett:base
singularity run docker://lorenzetti/lorenzetti:base
After singularity instance is created, do:
source /setup_envs.sh
This will setup everything you need for running Lorenzetti.
More details here.
The pipeline has three steps:
- Event generation with
wrappers; - Shower propagation with
and digitalization; - Event reconstruction.
A set of pythia wrappers is provided on generator/PythiaGenerator/share/
. Usage example:
prun_job.py -c "gen_zee.py --evt 25 --pileupAvg 0" -mt 10 -n 10 -o Zee.EVT.root
Use first step output to feed digit_trf
script. For instance:
digit_trf.py -i Zee.EVT.root -o Zee.ESD.root -nt 1
Use the second step output to feed reco_trf
script. For instance:
reco_trf.py -i Zee.ESD.root -o Zee.AOD.root
Lorenzetti has the following dependencies:
- Geant4 (opengl or qt4 is required);
- Pythia8;
- FastJet;
- Gaugi (pip3 install gaugi).
Branch | Build Status |
Master |
Lorenzetti is built on top of standard simulation technology employed on HEP experiments (Pythia and Geant). Lorenzetti's concept design was greatly inspired in the Athena framework. Other frameworks of potential interest:
- FCC software. Particularly, we consider to eventually merge Lorenzetti inside the FCC software;
- Delphes.