- Similar to the Pengyouquan's picture browser.
- Loading image with animation, blurring the current view background.
- Currently, the download image depends on SDWebImage, I will rewrite the download and cache image function, do not rely on third-party libraries.
UIImageView *tapedImageView = (UIImageView *)tapGestureRecognizer.view;
NSMutableArray *imageBrowserModels = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 9; i ++) {
SRPictureModel *imageBrowserModel = [SRPictureModel sr_pictureModelWithPicURLString:self.picURLStrings[i]
positionInContainer:[self.imageViewFrames[i] CGRectValue]
[imageBrowserModels addObject:imageBrowserModel];
SRPictureBrowser *pictureBrowser = [SRPictureBrowser sr_pictureBrowserWithModels:imageBrowserModels currentIndex:tapedImageView.tag];
[pictureBrowser show];
// You can see the demo for more information.
If you have any question, please issue or contact me.
If this repo helps you, please give it a star, thanks a lot.
Have Fun.