FreeWili is a Python library for controlling and communicating with FreeWili boards.
You can install freewili using pip by running the following command:
pip install freewili
import time
import freewili
devices = freewili.find_all()
device = devices[0]
led_state: bool = True
device.stay_open = True
for _ in range(100):
device.set_io(25, led_state)
led_state ^= True
import freewili
devices = freewili.find_all()
device = devices[0]
Ok([1, 2])
usage: fwi-serial [-h] [-l] [-i INDEX] [-s SEND_FILE] [-fn FILE_NAME] [-u GET_FILE GET_FILE] [-w [RUN_SCRIPT]] [-io SET_IO SET_IO] [--version]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --list List all FreeWili connected to the computer.
-i INDEX, --index INDEX
Select a specific FreeWili by index. The first FreeWili is 1.
-s SEND_FILE, --send_file SEND_FILE
send a file to the FreeWili. Argument should be in the form of: <source_file>
-fn FILE_NAME, --file_name FILE_NAME
Set the name of the file in the FreeWili. Argument should be in the form of: <file_name>
Get a file from the FreeWili. Argument should be in the form of: <source_file> <target_name>
-w [RUN_SCRIPT], --run_script [RUN_SCRIPT]
Run a script on the FreeWili. If no argument is provided, -fn will be used.
-io SET_IO SET_IO, --set_io SET_IO SET_IO
Toggle IO pin to high. Argument should be in the form of: <io_pin> <high/low>
--version show program's version number and exit
$ fwi-serial -d /path/to/bin.wasm /scripts/bin.wasm
$ fwi-serial -w bin.wasm
$ fwi-serial -io 25 high
pip install poetry
poetry self add "poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]"
poetry install
poetry run fwi-serial --help
pre-commit install
If you don't already have Python 3.11+ installed, you can download it from the official Python website: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
Poetry is a package manager for Python that makes it easy to install and manage the dependencies needed for FreeWili. To install Poetry, follow the instructions at
To install VSCode, follow the instructions at
FreeWili is licensed under the MIT License.