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Astropy with Preliminary VO-DML Annotation

Note: If you are not a VO nerd (or if you're unsure), this is not the astropy you are looking for. Head to astropy trunk right away.


To get an idea on where this is coming from, read this thread on the IVOA DM list. Or consider the metaphor Mark CD coined in a github comment: When building data models, should we be like Lego and deliver the bricks for people to build whatever they want, possibly the Death Star? Or should be deliver the Death Star pre-assembled?

This fork tries to illustrate how the deliver-the-bricks school would look like.

Try it out

I'm sure you only want to install this this in a virtual environment – while it doesn't touch much of astropy, it is prototype, demonstration-level code. If you are in a virtual environment, simply running python install should do the trick.

There is a sample document annotated with DMs that don't actually exist in an minimal annotation scheme in astropy/io/votable/tests/data/vodml-timeseries.xml. Code exercising this a bit is in astropy/io/votable/tests/ As I couldn't be bothered figuring out some pytest confusion, you can just run this with normal python; if it runs without output, things haven't regressed.

Annotation Syntax

This prototype uses a stripped-down syntax for doing DM annotations, enough to extract the information from instance documents but abstracting the VO-DML details. The assumption is that validators or other components will use the VO-DML model directly and will not need to recover it from the VOTable serialisation.

There are n elements in the serialisation:

  • VODML -- the root element for all annotations. There's just one of these per VOTable.
  • INSTANCE -- an actual annotation, giving the VO-DML type the annotation uses in dmtype.
  • ATTRIBUTE -- an attribute of an instance, giving the role name (in dmrole) an either a ref (to the FIELD, PARAM, TABLE or RESOURCE that fills the role), a value (and perhaps a dmtype) attribute for literals, or an INSTANCE or a COLLECTION child.
  • COLLECTION -- A container for sequences as attribute values. These contain ITEMs or directly INSTANCEs (this shortcut is debatable).
  • ITEM -- as ATTRIBUTE, but without a dmrole attribute. These are probably only make sense within COLLECTIONS for the time being.

The mapping also contains a few legacy element that I'd probably drop (these are leftovers of the Shanghai-era bells-and-whistles mapping experiment):

  • MODEL, NAME, URL -- declares model metadata. I believe we should just use INSTANCEs to declare that, but it's a really minor matter.
  • TEMPLATES -- a parent element for instances that at this point doesn't do anything useful; I'd probably drop it, too.
  • REFERENCE -- for references between DM elements; this might be useful to have sequences always, but I think letting normal ATTRIBUTEs and ITEMs reference DM elements would work just as well.


The whole DM functionality is exposed through two methods on Annotatable-s (which, in VOTable, are currently RESOURCE, TABLE, FIELD, and PARAM):

  • get_annotation(dmtype) -- returns a sequence of annotations of a particular VO-DML type (e.g., “give me all positions annotations“). Indeed, these are all VO-DML structures the annotatable is, if you will, mentioned in. That is, if an ra FIELD is in a stc:SphericalPosition of a stc:Coord, both ra.get_annotation('stc:SphericalPosition') and ra.get_annotation('stc:Coord') will return something.
  • iter_annotations -- will iterate over pairs of dmtype and the annoation object.

An annotation is something you can fetch attributes from. In the current implementation (, you'll get an AttributeError for unknown attributes, otherwise:

  • a python literal (currently only a string) for @value-s
  • a FIELD or a PARAM (or TABLE or RESOURCE, potentially) when things have been ref-ed.
  • another annotation for hierarchical annotations
  • or a list of the above in 0..n attributes.

All annotations are available on the root VOTable. This allows one to, for instance, enumerating all “positions” in a VOTable, but in particular it means that annotations default to annotating the whole thing, which we use below in the ds:Dataset annotation. I suspect, however, that DMs actually taking about specific RESOURCEs or TABLEs should explicitly reference them, as with the value attributes in some of the current annotation.

Use Cases

The primary purpose of this is to show how working with Lego-brick-type DMs can look like. Much of the following is ripped from, except that I'm writing vot for the parsed VOTable.

Find out a dataset type

This is in a ds:Dataset annotation, which currently is global. Hence:

vot.get_annotations("ds:Dataset"  # this returns a list of annotations

In the annotation:

   <INSTANCE ID="ndwibspapwlt" dmtype="ds:Dataset">
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="dataProductType" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="TIMESERIES"/>
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="title" ref="title"/>

Hence, the value of this will be TIMESERIES (in gross violation of, but the instance-generating code predates that).

Figure out what's smart to plot

That's ndcube annotation:

<INSTANCE ID="ndwibspodost" dmtype="ndcube:Cube">
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="independent_axes">
      <ITEM ref="obs_time"/>
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="dependent_axes">
      <ITEM ref="phot"/>
      <ITEM ref="flux"/>

So, a client filling dialog boxes with suggestions for what to plot on the abscissa would say:


and for the ordinate it would be:


Establishing the frame for a position

To figure out the frame a position is expressed in, take the annotation on a column that is part of the positional specification and look for the proper annotation, then use you knowledge of the DM; while you're at it, also figure out for which epoch the position is given):

stc_ann = col.get_annotations("stc2:Coords")[0]
ref_frame =
for_epoch = stc_ann.time.location

This is based on this annotation:

<INSTANCE ID="ndwibspapabt" dmtype="stc2:Coords">
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="time">
    <INSTANCE ID="ndwibspapint" dmtype="stc2:TimeCoordinate">
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="frame">
        <INSTANCE ID="ndwibspapigt" dmtype="stc2:TimeFrame">
          <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="timescale" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="TCB"/>
          <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="refPosition" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="BARYCENTER"/>
          <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="time0" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="0"/>
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="location" ref="obs_time"/>
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="space">
    <INSTANCE ID="ndwibspapiba" dmtype="stc2:SphericalCoordinate">
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="frame">
        <INSTANCE ID="ndwibspapuna" dmtype="stc2:SpaceFrame">
          <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="orientation" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="ICRS"/>
          <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="epoch" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="J2015.5"/>
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="longitude" ref="ra"/>
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="latitude" ref="dec"/>

Getting an error for a column

When a client wants to obtain a simple error estimate for a value in a column col, they would say:


– this gives a literal, a PARAM or a FIELD that contains the error estimate. The annotation itself could have further information on whether that's a 1-sigma or something else, depending on what ivoa:Measurement actually turns out to be in the end.

The annotation used by this (where col is FIELD[@id="flux"]):

<INSTANCE ID="ndwibspodmmt" dmtype="ivoa:Measurement">
   <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="value" ref="flux"/>
   <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="statError" ref="flux_error"/>

Choosing a target position palatable to the client

I'm advocating keeping cross-model references at a minimum to avoid breaking annotation of DM a just because a DM b it depends on changes. For something like the target position in a dataset annotation, this would mean that it just gives a bunch of columns; the client then inspects the the annotations of these columns until it finds one it likes. First, the underlying annotation:

<INSTANCE ID="ndwibspapwlt" dmtype="ds:Dataset">
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="dataProductType" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="TIMESERIES"/>
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="title" ref="title"/>
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="curation">
    <INSTANCE ID="ndwibspapltt" dmtype="ds:Curation">
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="calibLevel" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="1"/>
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="publisher">
        <INSTANCE ID="ndwibspappmt" dmtype="ds:Publisher">
          <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="name" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="GAVO Data Center"/>
          <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="publisherId" dmtype="ivoa:string" value="ivo://org.gavo.dc"/>
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="target">
    <INSTANCE ID="ndwibspapldt" dmtype="ds:AstroTarget">
      <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="position">
          <ITEM ref="ra"/>
          <ITEM ref="dec"/>
          <ITEM ref="ssa_location"/>

This is what a client could do:

target = SAMPLE.get_annotations("ds:Dataset")[0

for ann in target.position:
  # this iterates over the fields/params containing the target
  # position
  pos_anns = ann.get_annotations("stc2:Coords")
  if pos_anns:
      # We've found an annotation we understand
      pos_ann = pos_anns[0]
  raise Exception("Don't understand any target annotation")

The result is a full target annotation with space, time, and frames.

Choosing the most expressive annotation

Continuing the previous example, a client may understand multiple annotations, say, stc2:Coords and a later stc3:Coords. To implement “use stc3 if present, fall back to stc2 if not”, a client could write:

pos_ann = None
for desired_type in ["stc3:Coords", "stc2:Coords"]:
  for ann in ann.get_annotations(desired_type):
    pos_ann = ann

    if pos_ann is not None:

if pos_ann is None:
  raise Exception("Don't understand any target annotation")

Working with covariance

An advanced example (and I'm quite sure we don't have a credible use case for that yet) is when you annotate covariances as in astropy/io/votable/tests/data/covariance.xml:

<INSTANCE dmtype="meas2:NaiveMeasurement">
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="value" ref="pos_RA"/>
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="error" ref="pos_RA_err"/>

<INSTANCE dmtype="meas2:NaiveMeasurement">
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="value" ref="pos_DEC"/>
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="error" ref="pos_DEC_err"/>

<INSTANCE dmtype="meas2:Correlation">
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="err1" ref="pos_RA_err"/>
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="err2" ref="pos_DEC_err"/>
  <ATTRIBUTE dmrole="corr_coeff" ref="pos_RADEC_corr"/>

One half-way credible use case of this would be to figure out all columns correlated with, say, the RA:

# find all columns that are correlated with pos_RA.
ra = COVSAMPLE.get_first_table().get_field_by_id_or_name("pos_RA")

# get an error
err_col = ra.get_annotations("meas2:NaiveMeasurement")[0].error

# get all correlated errors and collect the (error) columns from
# their err1 and err2 attributes
correlated_errors = set()
for ann in err_col.get_annotations("meas2:Correlation"):

# and now get the values from all NaiveMeasurements that the errors
# participate in
correlated_columns = set()
for other_err in correlated_errors:
    for ann in other_err.get_annotations("meas2:NaiveMeasurement"):

corr_names = set( for c in correlated_columns)


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