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Tinny Java (and other libraries) example, demo, excersise sample code.


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Tinny Java Excersise, Experimental, Practices Programms.

for Developers setup (Eclipse/Spring Tool Suite)

  • OpenJDK >= 11
  • Eclipse >= 201903 (v4.10), "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" package
    • or Spring Tools 4 (STS4 >= 4.2.1)
  • Maven >= 3.6.1 (download automatically by mvnw script. also works by 3.x)
  • use UTF-8 for source code and other text files.

to setup Eclipse/STS4, see setup-type2 in and follow:

Eclipse/STS checkstyle plugin configuration

import checkstyle configuration xml into eclipse:

  1. import xml into eclipse global configuration.
    1. Window -> Preferences -> Checkstyle -> Global Check Configurations : click "New"
    2. Select: "Project Relative Configuration"
    3. Location: click "Browse" -> then select project -> select javasnack/checkstyle-settings/google_checks-8.28_custom.xml
    4. Name: set proper name
    5. Apply and Close
  2. setup project specific setting
    1. right-click project -> Properties (ALT + Enter)
    2. Checkstyle -> check "Checkstyle active for this project"
    3. select imported xml configration
    4. Apply and Close
  3. run first checkstyle
    1. right-click project -> Checkstyle -> "Check Code with Checkstyle"

reload updated xml to Eclipse/STS: (unstable way)

  1. some operations in Window -> Preferences -> Checkstyle config then "Apply and Click". (e.g. checkbox on <> off)
  2. project setting -> switch checkstyle activate / deactivate some times.
  3. rebuild project.

Eclipse/STS SpotBugs plugin configuration

  1. import project specific include/exclude filter.
    1. right-click project -> Properties -> SpotBugs -> check "Enable project specific settings"
    2. at filter file tab, add "spotbugs-exclude-filter.xml" to exclude filter file, add "spotbugs-include-filter.xml" to include filter file.
  2. SpotBugs plugin setting (see pom.xml configuration)
    1. set effort (分析力) to "Default"
    2. set max rank (報告する最小ランク) to 15
    3. set threshold (レポートする最低の信頼度) to "Medium"
    4. check below categories (see spotbugs-include-filter.xml)
      1. "Bad practice"
      2. "Malicious code vulnerability"
      3. "Correctness"
      4. "Performance"
      5. "Security"
      6. "Dodgy code"
      7. "Multithreaded correctness"
      8. "Internationalization"
    5. do NOT check "Experimental" category.
  3. run SpotBugs check manually:
    1. right-click project -> SpotBugs -> click "Find Bugs"

If you edited exclude/include xml filter, then right-click project -> SpotBugs -> clear markers and Find Bugs again.

SpotBugs reference:

Eclipse/STS PMD plugin configuration

  1. import project specific ruleset xml.
    1. right-click project -> Properties -> PMD -> check "Enable PMD"
    2. "Rule source" -> check "Use the ruleset configured in a project file" -> Browse -> select javasnack-custom-pmd-rule.xml
    3. if you asked "The project doesn't contain a ruleset file. Do you want to create a ruleset from the configured properties ?", click "No".

If you edited rule xml, no need to reconfigure. just do PMD -> "Check Code" again.

PMD reference:

how to build and execute main()

javasnack demonstrates classloading from jar in resources and referencing project related local repository.

  1. build jar library and install to src/main/resources/.
  2. build jar library and deploy to project related path. (NOT to ~/.m2/repository/)
  3. setup ~/.m2/settings.xml to refer project related path.
  4. build main project.

1. build jar library and install to src/main/resources/.

(You can skip this step : already pre-built jar has been commited to src/main/resources/JCLDemo/)

build myapi-impl(1|2).jar, "GreetingInterface" implementation:

$ cd javasnack/

$ pushd subprojects/myapi-impl1
$ javac src/myapi/*.java
$ jar cvf myapi-impl1.jar -C src  .
$ cp myapi-impl1.jar ../../src/main/resources/JCLDemo/
$ popd

$ pushd subprojects/myapi-impl2
$ javac src/myapi/*.java
$ jar cvf myapi-impl2.jar -C src  .
$ cp myapi-impl2.jar ../../src/main/resources/JCLDemo/
$ popd

These jar files are used for demonstration of at JCLDemo, TestJCLDemoApis.

2. build jar library and deploy to project related path. (NOT to ~/.m2/repository/)

(You can skip this step : already pre-built jar has been commited to repo/subprojects/)

build testjar1-1.0.jar:

$ cd javasnack/subprojects/jar1
$ javac src/testjar1/*.java
$ jar cvfm testjar1-1.0.jar -C src/ testjar1/Greeting.class
$ java -jar testjar1-1.0.jar
Grood Morning, ABC.
Good Afternoon, DEF.

install jar to project local repository:

$ cd javasnack/
$ ./mvnw install:install-file \
      -DlocalRepositoryPath=subprojects/repo \
      -DcreateChecksum=true \
      -Dpackaging=jar \
      -Dfile=subprojects/jar1/testjar1-1.0.jar \
      -DgroupId=subprojects \
      -DartifactId=testjar1 \

This jar file are used for demonstration of pom.xml local repository usage at pom.xml and LocalJarDemo.


3. setup ~/.m2/settings.xml to refer project related path.

This maven project includes demonstrating maven local file repository. Check your $HOME/.m2/setting.xml and if <mirror> - <mirrorOf> setting is *, then fix it to external:*.




If <mirrorOf> is *, then maven searches all dependencies to <url> repository, so, local file dependencies couldn't be resolved.

About <mirrorOf> setting, see :

4. build main project.

$ cd javasnack/

$ ./mvnw package

if you want to skip test running, but compile test code:
$ ./mvnw -DskipTests package

if you want to skip test compile and running either:
$ ./mvnw -Dmaven.test.skip=true package

$ java -jar target/javasnack-(version).jar
$ ./mvnw exec:java

5. test and reports.

surefire test only (excluding @Tag("junit5-tag-filter-2") and @MyJUnit5MetaAnnotation2 annotated test cases):

$ ./mvnw test

NOTE: some thread feature test cases may be fail cause of timing sensitivity.

all test cases (surefire + failsafe : including @Tag("junit5-tag-filter-2") and @MyJUnit5MetaAnnotation2 annotated test cases):

$ ./mvnw integration-test

run checkstyle from command line:

$ ./mvnw checkstyle:check

run SpotBugs from command line:

$ ./mvnw spotbugs:check

run PMD from command line:

$ ./mvnw pmd:pmd

generate report:

$ ./mvnw site


$ ./mvnw clean integration-test site





Tinny Java (and other libraries) example, demo, excersise sample code.








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