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Merge pull request #119 from msakai/feature/toyconvert-dump-info
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Add --dump-info option to toyconvert
  • Loading branch information
msakai authored Nov 16, 2024
2 parents 65200fe + 882ffdc commit 5f69a54
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Showing 4 changed files with 201 additions and 91 deletions.
273 changes: 188 additions & 85 deletions app/toyconvert.hs
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
Expand All @@ -22,13 +23,15 @@ import Data.Char
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TextBuilder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TLIO
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.Version as V
import Options.Applicative
import Options.Applicative hiding (info)
import qualified Options.Applicative
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
Expand All @@ -50,13 +53,15 @@ import qualified ToySolver.Converter.PBSetObj as PBSetObj
import qualified ToySolver.FileFormat as FF
import qualified ToySolver.FileFormat.CNF as CNF
import qualified ToySolver.QUBO as QUBO
import qualified ToySolver.SAT as SAT
import qualified ToySolver.SAT.Encoder.PB as PB
import ToySolver.Version
import ToySolver.Internal.Util (setEncodingChar8)

data Options = Options
{ optInput :: FilePath
, optOutput :: Maybe FilePath
, optInfoOutput :: Maybe FilePath
, optAsMaxSAT :: Bool
, optObjType :: ObjType
, optIndicatorConstraint :: Bool
Expand All @@ -79,6 +84,7 @@ optionsParser :: Parser Options
optionsParser = Options
<$> fileInput
<*> outputOption
<*> infoOutputOption
<*> maxsatOption
<*> objOption
<*> indicatorConstraintOption
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,6 +112,12 @@ optionsParser = Options
<> metavar "FILE"
<> help "output filename"

infoOutputOption :: Parser (Maybe FilePath)
infoOutputOption = optional $ strOption
$ long "dump-info"
<> metavar "FILE"
<> help "filename for dumping conversion information"

maxsatOption :: Parser Bool
maxsatOption = switch
$ long "maxsat"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +221,7 @@ optionsParser = Options
<> showDefaultWith PB.showStrategy

parserInfo :: ParserInfo Options
parserInfo = info (helper <*> versionOption <*> optionsParser)
parserInfo = (helper <*> versionOption <*> optionsParser)
$ fullDesc
<> header "toyconvert - converter between various kind of problem files"
<> footerDoc (Just supportedFormatsDoc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,39 +258,63 @@ supportedFormatsDoc =


data Trail sol where
Trail :: Transformer a => a -> Trail (Target a)

data Problem
= ProbOPB PBFile.Formula
| ProbWBO PBFile.SoftFormula
| ProbMIP (MIP.Problem Scientific)
= ProbOPB PBFile.Formula (Trail SAT.Model)
| ProbWBO PBFile.SoftFormula (Trail SAT.Model)
| ProbMIP (MIP.Problem Scientific) (Trail (Map MIP.Var Rational))

readProblem :: Options -> String -> IO Problem
readProblem o fname = do
enc <- T.mapM mkTextEncoding (optFileEncoding o)
case getExt fname of
| optAsMaxSAT o ->
liftM (ProbWBO . fst . maxsat2wbo) $ FF.readFile fname
| optAsMaxSAT o -> do
prob <- FF.readFile fname
case maxsat2wbo prob of
(prob', info) -> return $ ProbWBO prob' (Trail info)
| otherwise -> do
liftM (ProbOPB . fst . sat2pb) $ FF.readFile fname
".wcnf" ->
liftM (ProbWBO . fst . maxsat2wbo) $ FF.readFile fname
".opb" -> liftM ProbOPB $ do
if optPBFastParser o then
liftM FF.unWithFastParser $ FF.readFile fname
FF.readFile fname
".wbo" -> liftM ProbWBO $ do
if optPBFastParser o then
liftM FF.unWithFastParser $ FF.readFile fname
FF.readFile fname
".gcnf" ->
liftM (ProbWBO . fst . maxsat2wbo . fst . gcnf2maxsat) $ FF.readFile fname
".lp" -> ProbMIP <$> MIP.readLPFile def{ MIP.optFileEncoding = enc } fname
".mps" -> ProbMIP <$> MIP.readMPSFile def{ MIP.optFileEncoding = enc } fname
prob <- FF.readFile fname
case sat2pb prob of
(prob', info) -> return $ ProbOPB prob' (Trail info)
".wcnf" -> do
prob <- FF.readFile fname
case maxsat2wbo prob of
(prob', info) -> return $ ProbWBO prob' (Trail info)
".opb" -> do
prob <-
if optPBFastParser o then
liftM FF.unWithFastParser $ FF.readFile fname
FF.readFile fname
return $ ProbOPB prob (Trail IdentityTransformer)
".wbo" -> do
prob <-
if optPBFastParser o then
liftM FF.unWithFastParser $ FF.readFile fname
FF.readFile fname
return $ ProbWBO prob (Trail IdentityTransformer)
".gcnf" -> do
prob <- FF.readFile fname
case gcnf2maxsat prob of
(prob1, info1) ->
case maxsat2wbo prob1 of
(prob2, info2) ->
return $ ProbWBO prob2 (Trail (ComposedTransformer info1 info2))
".lp" -> do
prob <- MIP.readLPFile def{ MIP.optFileEncoding = enc } fname
return $ ProbMIP prob (Trail IdentityTransformer)
".mps" -> do
prob <- MIP.readMPSFile def{ MIP.optFileEncoding = enc } fname
return $ ProbMIP prob (Trail IdentityTransformer)
".qubo" -> do
(qubo :: QUBO.Problem Scientific) <- FF.readFile fname
return $ ProbOPB $ fst $ qubo2pb qubo
case qubo2pb qubo of
(prob', info) ->
return $ ProbOPB prob' (Trail info)
ext ->
error $ "unknown file extension: " ++ show ext

Expand All @@ -296,26 +332,53 @@ transformProblem o = transformObj o . transformPBLinearization o . transformMIPR
transformObj :: Options -> Problem -> Problem
transformObj o problem =
case problem of
ProbOPB opb | isNothing (PBFile.pbObjectiveFunction opb) -> ProbOPB $ PBSetObj.setObj (optObjType o) opb
ProbOPB opb info | isNothing (PBFile.pbObjectiveFunction opb) -> ProbOPB (PBSetObj.setObj (optObjType o) opb) info
_ -> problem

transformPBLinearization :: Options -> Problem -> Problem
transformPBLinearization o problem
| optLinearization o =
case problem of
ProbOPB opb -> ProbOPB $ fst $ linearizePB opb (optLinearizationUsingPB o)
ProbWBO wbo -> ProbWBO $ fst $ linearizeWBO wbo (optLinearizationUsingPB o)
ProbMIP mip -> ProbMIP mip
ProbOPB opb (Trail info) ->
case linearizePB opb (optLinearizationUsingPB o) of
(opb', info') -> ProbOPB opb' (Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))
ProbWBO wbo (Trail info) ->
case linearizeWBO wbo (optLinearizationUsingPB o) of
(wbo', info') -> ProbWBO wbo' (Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))
ProbMIP mip info -> ProbMIP mip info
| otherwise = problem

transformMIPRemoveUserCuts :: Options -> Problem -> Problem
transformMIPRemoveUserCuts o problem
| optRemoveUserCuts o =
case problem of
ProbMIP mip -> ProbMIP $ mip{ MIP.userCuts = [] }
ProbMIP mip info -> ProbMIP (mip{ MIP.userCuts = [] }) info
_ -> problem
| otherwise = problem

transformKSat :: Options -> (CNF.CNF, Trail SAT.Model) -> (CNF.CNF, Trail SAT.Model)
transformKSat o (cnf, Trail info) =
case optKSat o of
Nothing -> (cnf, Trail info)
Just k ->
case sat2ksat k cnf of
(cnf2, info2) -> (cnf2, Trail (ComposedTransformer info info2))

transformPB2SAT :: Options -> (PBFile.Formula, Trail SAT.Model) -> (CNF.CNF, Trail SAT.Model)
transformPB2SAT o (opb, Trail info) =
case pb2satWith (optPBEncoding o) opb of
(cnf, info') -> (cnf, Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))

transformWBO2MaxSAT :: Options -> (PBFile.SoftFormula, Trail SAT.Model) -> (CNF.WCNF, Trail SAT.Model)
transformWBO2MaxSAT o (wbo, Trail info) =
case wbo2maxsatWith (optPBEncoding o) wbo of
(wcnf, info') -> (wcnf, Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))

transformPB2QUBO :: (PBFile.Formula, Trail SAT.Model) -> ((QUBO.Problem Integer, Integer), Trail QUBO.Solution)
transformPB2QUBO (opb, Trail info) =
case pb2qubo opb of
((qubo, th), info') -> ((qubo, th), Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))

writeProblem :: Options -> Problem -> IO ()
writeProblem o problem = do
enc <- T.mapM mkTextEncoding (optFileEncoding o)
Expand All @@ -326,89 +389,129 @@ writeProblem o problem = do
, MIP2SMT.optProduceModel = not (optSMTNoProduceModel o)
, MIP2SMT.optOptimize = optSMTOptimize o

writeInfo :: Transformer a => a -> IO ()
writeInfo info =
case optInfoOutput o of
Just fname -> writeFile fname (show info)
Nothing -> return ()

writeInfo' :: Trail a -> IO ()
writeInfo' (Trail info) = writeInfo info

case optOutput o of
Nothing -> do
hSetBinaryMode stdout True
hSetBuffering stdout (BlockBuffering Nothing)
case problem of
ProbOPB opb -> ByteStringBuilder.hPutBuilder stdout $ FF.render opb
ProbWBO wbo -> ByteStringBuilder.hPutBuilder stdout $ FF.render wbo
ProbMIP mip -> do
ProbOPB opb (Trail info) -> do
ByteStringBuilder.hPutBuilder stdout $ FF.render opb
writeInfo info
ProbWBO wbo (Trail info) -> do
ByteStringBuilder.hPutBuilder stdout $ FF.render wbo
writeInfo info
ProbMIP mip (Trail info) -> do
case MIP.toLPString def mip of
Left err -> hPutStrLn stderr ("conversion failure: " ++ err) >> exitFailure
Right s -> do
F.mapM_ (hSetEncoding stdout) enc
TLIO.hPutStr stdout s
writeInfo info

Just fname -> do
let opb = case problem of
ProbOPB opb -> opb
ProbWBO wbo ->
case wbo2pb wbo of
(opb, _)
| optLinearization o ->
-- WBO->OPB conversion may have introduced non-linearity
fst $ linearizePB opb (optLinearizationUsingPB o)
| otherwise -> opb
ProbMIP mip ->
case mip2pb (fmap toRational mip) of
Left err -> error err
Right (opb, _) -> opb
wbo = case problem of
ProbOPB opb -> fst $ pb2wbo opb
ProbWBO wbo -> wbo
ProbMIP _ -> fst $ pb2wbo opb
lp = case problem of
ProbOPB opb ->
case pb2ip opb of
(ip, _) -> fmap fromInteger ip
ProbWBO wbo ->
case wbo2ip (optIndicatorConstraint o) wbo of
(ip, _) -> fmap fromInteger ip
ProbMIP mip -> mip
lsp = case problem of
ProbOPB opb -> pb2lsp opb
ProbWBO wbo -> wbo2lsp wbo
ProbMIP _ -> pb2lsp opb
let opbAndTrail =
case problem of
ProbOPB opb info -> (opb, info)
ProbWBO wbo (Trail info) ->
case wbo2pb wbo of
(opb, info')
| optLinearization o ->
-- WBO->OPB conversion may have introduced non-linearity
case linearizePB opb (optLinearizationUsingPB o) of
(opb', info'') -> (opb', Trail (ComposedTransformer info (ComposedTransformer info' info'')))
| otherwise -> (opb, Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))
ProbMIP mip (Trail info) ->
case mip2pb (fmap toRational mip) of
Left err -> error err
Right (opb, info') -> (opb, Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))
wboAndTrail =
case problem of
ProbOPB opb (Trail info) ->
case pb2wbo opb of
(wbo, info') -> (wbo, Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))
ProbWBO wbo info -> (wbo, info)
ProbMIP _ _ ->
case (pb2wbo (fst opbAndTrail), snd opbAndTrail) of
((wbo, info'), Trail info) -> (wbo, Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))
mipAndTrail =
case problem of
ProbOPB opb (Trail info) ->
case pb2ip opb of
(ip, info') -> (fmap fromInteger ip, Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))
ProbWBO wbo (Trail info) ->
case wbo2ip (optIndicatorConstraint o) wbo of
(ip, info') -> (fmap fromInteger ip, Trail (ComposedTransformer info info'))
ProbMIP mip info -> (mip, info)
lsp =
case problem of
ProbOPB opb _ -> pb2lsp opb
ProbWBO wbo _ -> wbo2lsp wbo
ProbMIP _ _ -> pb2lsp (fst opbAndTrail)
case getExt fname of
".opb" -> FF.writeFile fname $ normalizePB opb
".wbo" -> FF.writeFile fname $ normalizeWBO wbo
".opb" -> do
FF.writeFile fname $ normalizePB (fst opbAndTrail)
writeInfo' (snd opbAndTrail)
".wbo" -> do
FF.writeFile fname $ normalizeWBO (fst wboAndTrail)
writeInfo' (snd wboAndTrail)
".cnf" ->
case pb2satWith (optPBEncoding o) opb of
(cnf, _) ->
case optKSat o of
Nothing -> FF.writeFile fname cnf
Just k ->
let (cnf2, _) = sat2ksat k cnf
in FF.writeFile fname cnf2
case transformKSat o $ transformPB2SAT o opbAndTrail of
(cnf, Trail info) -> do
FF.writeFile fname cnf
writeInfo info
".wcnf" ->
case wbo2maxsatWith (optPBEncoding o) wbo of
(wcnf, _)
| optNewWCNF o -> do
let nwcnf = CNF.NewWCNF [(if w >= CNF.wcnfTopCost wcnf then Nothing else Just w, c) | (w, c) <- CNF.wcnfClauses wcnf]
FF.writeFile fname nwcnf
| otherwise -> FF.writeFile fname wcnf
".lsp" ->
case transformWBO2MaxSAT o wboAndTrail of
(wcnf, Trail info) -> do
if optNewWCNF o then do
let nwcnf = CNF.NewWCNF [(if w >= CNF.wcnfTopCost wcnf then Nothing else Just w, c) | (w, c) <- CNF.wcnfClauses wcnf]
FF.writeFile fname nwcnf
else do
FF.writeFile fname wcnf
writeInfo info
".lsp" -> do
withBinaryFile fname WriteMode $ \h ->
ByteStringBuilder.hPutBuilder h lsp
".lp" -> MIP.writeLPFile def{ MIP.optFileEncoding = enc } fname lp
".mps" -> MIP.writeMPSFile def{ MIP.optFileEncoding = enc } fname lp
case optInfoOutput o of
Just _ -> error "--dump-info is not supported for LSP output"
Nothing -> return ()
".lp" -> do
MIP.writeLPFile def{ MIP.optFileEncoding = enc } fname (fst mipAndTrail)
writeInfo' (snd mipAndTrail)
".mps" -> do
MIP.writeMPSFile def{ MIP.optFileEncoding = enc } fname (fst mipAndTrail)
writeInfo' (snd mipAndTrail)
".smp" -> do
withBinaryFile fname WriteMode $ \h ->
ByteStringBuilder.hPutBuilder h (pb2smp False opb)
ByteStringBuilder.hPutBuilder h (pb2smp False (fst opbAndTrail))
writeInfo' (snd opbAndTrail)
".smt2" -> do
withFile fname WriteMode $ \h -> do
F.mapM_ (hSetEncoding h) enc
TLIO.hPutStr h $ TextBuilder.toLazyText $
MIP2SMT.mip2smt mip2smtOpt (fmap toRational lp)
MIP2SMT.mip2smt mip2smtOpt (fmap toRational (fst mipAndTrail))
writeInfo' (snd mipAndTrail)
".ys" -> do
let lang = MIP2SMT.YICES (if optYices2 o then MIP2SMT.Yices2 else MIP2SMT.Yices1)
withFile fname WriteMode $ \h -> do
F.mapM_ (hSetEncoding h) enc
TLIO.hPutStr h $ TextBuilder.toLazyText $
MIP2SMT.mip2smt mip2smtOpt{ MIP2SMT.optLanguage = lang } (fmap toRational lp)
MIP2SMT.mip2smt mip2smtOpt{ MIP2SMT.optLanguage = lang } (fmap toRational (fst mipAndTrail))
writeInfo' (snd mipAndTrail)
".qubo" ->
case pb2qubo opb of
((qubo, _th), _) -> FF.writeFile fname (fmap (fromInteger :: Integer -> Scientific) qubo)
case transformPB2QUBO opbAndTrail of
((qubo, _th), Trail info) -> do
FF.writeFile fname (fmap (fromInteger :: Integer -> Scientific) qubo)
writeInfo info
ext -> do
error $ "unknown file extension: " ++ show ext

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