Bash script to collect various information from your FRITZ!Box via its SOAP api.
As I could not find much information on this in english, this is a combination of a few scripts I found online from some european blogs (not in my native language) So lets give a thanks to
- and
Script can output:
- link uptime
- connection status
- maximum upstream sync speed on current connection
- maximum downstream sync speed on current connection
- Current downstream bandwidth usage
- Current upstream bandwidth usage
- Total download usage on current connection
- Total upload usage on current connection
This can also output all of the above in JSON format, useful for ingesting into another program and when running via cron (e.g I read this information into openHAB)
The purpose for this was so I could get the current bandwidth usage across the WAN link into openHAB, for monitoring and for making pretty graphs on usage during the day. And I could see the current bandwidth usage at a glance, incase I was having some issues and quick diagnosis. I have made this script a little more bare, without all the openHAB specific stuff in it
The Universal Plug & Play (UPnP) service must be enabled.
You can do that in the settings: Home Network » Network » Network Settings
Enable "Transmit status information over UPnP" (German: Statusinformationen über UPnP übertragen).
usage: [-f <function>] [-h hostname] [-b rate] [-j] [-d]
-f: function to be executed [Default: bandwidthdown]
-h: hostname or IP of the FRITZ!Box [Default:]
-b: rate to display. b, k, m. all in bytes
-j: JSON output
Does not accept any functions.
Will display all output in JSON format.
Useful for running in cron and ingesting into another program
-d: enable debug output
linkuptime connection time in seconds
connection connection status
downstream maximum downstream on current connection (Downstream Sync)
upstream maximum upstream on current connection (Upstream Sync)
bandwidthdown current bandwidth down
bandwidthup current bandwidth up
totalbwdown total downloads
totalbwup total uploads
Example: -f downstream -h -b m
- curl
- bc