Welcome to the Summer sChool on Quantum Computing 2023 (SCQC 2023) Qiskit Workshop repository! This repository contains all the materials and resources for the Day 2 and Day 3 of the summer school morning track, which will be held on June 13 and June 14, 2023 at KX – Knowledge Exchange for Innovation (KMUTT), Thailand
To attend the workshop here are some recommended prerequisites to help you get started:
You will need an account with IBM Quantum, it’s fast to make and completely free. Please register yourself here: https://quantum-computing.ibm.com. Be sure that you remember your sign-in credentials as those would be required for you to access IBM Quantum service providing all the open IBM Quantum resources.
A browser fully up-to-date (Chrome or Firefox are recommended) as all teaching will be done on tools using IBM Quantum on the Cloud. There will be no need to download anything and everything can be done from yourlaptop for general hands-on coding.
There is very little background needed for the sessions. For example, if you know how to multiply two matrices , and have some very basic programming experience in Python, you are more than ready to get started. You can brush up on Python programming before attending the lecture by using the Qiskit Textbook. To make the most out of these lectures, you may also consider looking through the linear algebra prerequisites section of the Qiskit Textbook.
Here are the links to resources to follow along with the lectures:
- Link to launch IBM Quantum Composer: https://quantum-computing.ibm.com/composer
- Link to launch IBM Quantum Lab: https://quantum-computing.ibm.com/lab
- Qiskit Textbook: https://qiskit.org/learn/course/introduction-course
- Qiskit SDK: https://qiskit.org/
- Qiskit Documentation links:
- Link to join Qiskit slack: https://ibm.co/joinqiskitslack
Qiskit Workshop Team:
- Astri Cornish
- Yuri Kobayashi
- Atsushi Matsuo
- Vishal Bajpe