This project contains a springboot applications that hosts the below api:
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/v1/weather?postal_code=110009&country_code=in'
API response:
"current": {
"temperature": {
"value": 15.2,
"unit": "°C"
"time": "2024-03-06T04:45"
"daily": {
"min_temperature": {
"value": 9.4,
"unit": "°C"
"max_temperature": {
"value": 19.9,
"unit": "°C"
"time": "2024-03-06"
"from_cache": true
The detailed API specification is present in api_spec.yml.
This project integrates:
- openstreetmap api to get latitude and longitude data from postal code
curl --location ''
- open-meteo api to get the weather information based on latitude and longitude
curl --location '¤t=temperature_2m&daily=temperature_2m_max%2Ctemperature_2m_min&forecast_days=1'
- Integrates with a redis cache instance to store results for a TTL of 30 mins