This repo is a fork of the official bootstrap for running your own Sentry with Docker. This repo adds some Dokku specific configuration so that you can run Sentry inside Dokku easily.
- Dokku installed and running
Assuming you've just cloned this repository, the following steps will get you up and running in no time!
On your Dokku installation, install the following plugins:
- Install official postgresql plugin
sudo dokku plugin:install postgres
- Install official redis plugin
sudo dokku plugin:install redis
- Install official memcached plugin
sudo dokku plugin:install memcached
- Install dokku letsencrypt plugin (if SSL is required)
sudo dokku plugin:install
- Create your app:
dokku apps:create sentry
- Create a PostgreSQL service
dokku postgres:create sentry
dokku postgres:link sentry sentry
- Create a Redis service
dokku redis:create sentry
dokku redis:link sentry sentry
- Create a Memcached service
dokku memcached:create sentry
dokku memcached:link sentry sentry
- Create a storage mount
dokku storage:mount sentry /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/sentry:/var/lib/sentry/files/
- Set some config environment variables (secret key, SSL, email settings, see
dokku config:set sentry SENTRY_SECRET_KEY=... SENTRY_USE_SSL=1
In the directory of this cloned repo, add dokku as remote and deploy:
git remote add dokku dokku@dokku:sentry
git push dokku master
And everything should be deployed!