Allows you to dictate what components get render. This is not a replacement for server side security.
Must initialize the with the user roles before using the render.
Let say you have a user with administration writes and user rights. To setup the secure component you would do: = ["admin", "users"];
Now if you have a component that only an admin can view render you would have: { roles: ["admin"] ....
If you are using a container the secure render function will follow also follow items. Example:
roles: ["admin"],
items: [
roles: ["admin"]
The license is whatever license you have with ExtJS
If you what to protect statements from being called you can use, , ). Example:
Suppose you have some statements that need only to execute when someone is the admin for the site.
myFunc: function() {
// Statements to execute for other roles.'admin', function() {
// My Statements to only execute if admin.
}, this)