IDA plugin to patch IDA in memory.
- Copy
to your IDAplugins
directory. - Use DebugView to see status.
You can add entries to your idapatch.ini
[UniSoft (exetools) qstpncpy crash fix (IDA 6.8)]
enabled=1 ; optional (default '1'), set to 0 to disable this patch
module=wll ; optional (default 'wll'), 'wll' will patch ida.wll or ida64.wll, 'exe' will patch idaq.exe or idaq64.exe, anything else will patch a module with that name (clp.dll will patch in clp.dll)
search=03 C8 3B C1 72 14 80 3D ; search pattern, nibble wildcards (so ?? for one wildcard byte)
replace=03 C8 3B C1 72 14 EB 30 ; replace pattern, nibble wildcards