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Red Reactor MQTT Client for Home Automation

This is a Red Reactor MQTT Client service that is designed to run as a background application to monitor battery status, and to publish that data to a MQTT broker.

Installation instructions can be found here.

Functionality includes:

  • Background application that continuously monitors the battery status, and will safely shutdown if required
  • The configuration file can be used to override specific topics and entities
  • Connects to a MQTT broker, and publishes the service status, data and enables command topics
  • Published data includes:
    • Voltage
    • Current
    • Battery Level
    • External Power Status
    • CPU Temperature
    • CPU Status
    • Battery Warning Threshold
    • Battery Voltage Minimum and Maximum
    • Report Interval
  • Commands:
    • Immediate Shutdown
    • Immediate Restart
    • Change the Battery Warning Threshold
    • Change the Battery Voltage Minimum and Maximum
    • Change the Report Interval
  • Provides systemd service example, so it can be started as a service on system boot

If you haven't already got yourself a Red Reactor (An uninterruptible battery powered backup for your Raspberry Pi), one can be purchased from there website.

Home Assistant

Connecting your Home Assistant instance to the same MQTT Broker as your Red Reactor will allow your Red Reactor to be auto discovered by your Home Assistant instance. It will give you access to all the readings available from the Red Reactor sensors, and allows full configuration of the Red Reactor on the fly - it even adds the ability to reboot and shutdown your device at the push of a button.

There is also a Home Assistant Add-on available for Supervisor users. Installation instructions can be found in the wiki.



Topic redreactor/your-configured-hostname/state

  "voltage": 4.164,
  "current": 2.1799,
  "battery_level": 100,
  "external_power": "ON",
  "cpu_temperature": 49.1,
  "cpu_stat": 0,
  "battery_warning_threshold": 10,
  "battery_voltage_minimum": 2.6,
  "battery_voltage_maximum": 4.2,
  "report_interval": 30

State Description

  • voltage is the Voltage of the connected batteries
  • current is the Current draw from the batteries
  • battery_level is the percentage value of charge left in the batteries
  • external_power is whether the batteries are connected to an external power source or not
  • cpu_temperature read via cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp gets the CPU Temperature
  • cpu_stat read via cat /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:firmware/get_throttled gets the CPU Stat
  • battery_warning_threshold is a percentage value below 100% that once crossed will initiate a safe shutdown of the device
  • battery_voltage_minimum is the voltage at which is to be considered the lowest allowable before initiating a safe shutdown
  • battery_voltage_maximum is the voltage at which is to be considered the maximum at which the battery can be (this is used in the calculation of the battery_level)
  • report_interval is the reporting interval at which the data will be published onto the state topic


Topic redreactor/hostname/status

Data online or offline


Topic redreactor/your-configured-hostname/set/chosen-command

Command topic | value:

  • battery_warning_threshold | value (int)
  • battery_voltage_minimum | value (float)
  • battery_voltage_maximum | value (float)
  • report_interval | value (int)
  • restart | no value required
  • shutdown | no value required

If there are more features that you would like to see supported, let me know!


Red Reactor MQTT Client for Home Assistant





