Scripts for calculating , a phylogenetic analog of the Shannon entropy for measuring the degreed of phylogenetic signal between a categorical trait (trait vector) and a phylogeny (metric-tree).
Make sure you have the ape
package installed before running the examples or using these scripts. Also, load the code.R
Upload your phylogenetic tree. We exemplify with the newick format:
newick_tree <- "PASTE_NETWICK_TREE_HERE"
tree <- read.tree(text=newick_tree)
It is important to guarantee that all the branches are positive as this method requires a metric-tree (i.e., branch_lengths > 0). Here, we take 1% of the 1% quantile to fill in the null branches:
tree$edge.length[tree$edge.length==0] <- quantile(tree$edge.length,0.1)*0.1
Now, we need to define the trait vector. Confirm that the trait order follows the species order in the tree; # you can see the species order by typing: tree$tip.label
Now, we calculate delta:
deltaA <- delta(trait,tree,0.1,0.0589,10000,10,100)
When running the delta
function you may experience this warning message: Warning message: In sqrt(diag(solve(h))) : NaNs produced
. Don't worry about it; it just tells me that the standard deviations of some of your rate parameters could not be calculated, and these aren't used anyways.
We can also calculate p-values. Here, we shuffle the trait vector using the function delta (for 100 iterates) and create a vector of random deltas that will work as our null hypothesis. Then we compute the probability p(random_delta>deltaA) in the null distribution, which returns the p-value.
random_delta <- rep(NA,100)
for (i in 1:100){
rtrait <- sample(trait)
random_delta[i] <- delta(rtrait,tree,0.1,0.0589,10000,10,100)
p_value <- sum(random_delta>deltaA)/length(random_delta)
- if p-value < level_of_test (generally 0.05), there is evidence of phylogenetic signal between the trait and the character
- if p-value > level_of_test there is no evidence for phylogenetic signal or the trait is saturated
Rui Borges, João Paulo Machado, Cidália Gomes, Ana Paula Rocha, Agostinho Antunes; Measuring phylogenetic signal between categorical traits and phylogenies, Bioinformatics,