Demo app of a simple flask application that I am trying to deploy in a kubernetes cluster.
I am using my domain to play around, the kubernetes cluster is from DigitalOcean.
github repo:
The front end is a simple flask app. It creates a simple sqlite database with a counter. The flask app has two paths:
shows the counter/increase
increases the counter
github repo:
Guide used:
Download the kubeconfig.yaml file from digital ocean. This yaml file is used to gain access to the kubernetes cluster. Kubectl will look for a config file in ~/.kube and automatically use it to access the cluster. kubectl version
will also give you the version running on the kubernetes cluster if your config file is setup correctly in ~/.kube. Otherwise, you can also give this config file as a parameter for your kubectl commands using the --kubeconfig="path/to/kubeconfig.yaml"
kubectl --kubeconfig="flask-kubeconfig.yaml" get nodes
will show you a list of all the nodes using the flask-kubeconfig.yaml file.
Alternatively, you can also create contexts to store multiple cluster config files:
github repo:
[X] Flask demo web app
[X] Git version control
[X] Containerized the web app with docker
[X] Multistage docker container with alpine as base to minimize the size
[X] non-root user running in the container
[X] Dockerhub repo automatic builds
[X] Orchestrate the app with kubernetes
[ ] Templated the deployment with helm
[ ] Automated the complete deployment with a bash script
[ ] Ingress load balancer with nginx-ingress
[ ] TLS support with cert-manager
[ ] Upgrade cert-manager to latest build
[ ] Kubernetes StateFulSet
[ ] Kubernetes namespaces
[ ] Kubernetes rbac
[ ] Postgresql for persistent data
[ ] Redis for caching
[ ] ELK stack for logging
[ ] Prometheus for monitoring?
[ ] Unittests
[ ] Jenkins CI pipeline
[ ] Deployment with Spinnaker