The SpiffyDoctrine module intends to integrate Doctrine 2 ORM with Zend Framework 2 quickly and easily. The following features are intended to work out of the box:
- Multiple ORM entity managers
- Multiple DBAL connections
- Caches for metadata, queries and resultsets
- Using a SQL logger
- Custom dql functions, additional hydration modes
- Named DQL and native queries
- Multiple metadata drivers
- Annotations registries initialization (such as Gedmo DoctrineExtensions)
- Validators for EntityExists and NoEntityExists
- Authentication adapter for Zend\Authenticator
- Support for using existing PDO connections
The Doctrine CLI has been pre-configured and is available in SpiffyDoctrine\bin. It should work as is without any special configuration required.
- Implement migration/fixture support from doctrin-fixtures.
- Write MORE unit tests.