Custom protocol claim mapper that adds the filtrated by regexp groups.
This plugin currently uses the keycloak library in version 20.0.3, so it should be compatible with keycloak instances up to that version.
To build the jar file, simply run
mvn clean package
If using the official keycloak docker image you can create a mount of the directory /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/deployments and copy the jar there. Or using the unofficial keycloak docker image (like you can past the jar there - /opt/bitnami/keycloak/providers/
After successful installation the mapper is available for any client in tab "Mappers" (see also in the official keycloak documentation).
To create new protocol mapper -> select "Group Filter Membership (UUID)" -> insert name -> done. In your "REALM" select "clients" -> select "client"(OIDC) f.e.: $client_name -> select "Client Scopes" -> in "Assigned client scope" - select $client_name-dedicated -> push button "Add mapper" and select "By configuration" -> Choose mapper type with name "Group Filter Membership" of the mappings from this table -> next in opened screen "Mapper details" MUST to fill fields: "Name" - any name for representation in mappers list on keycloak client ui side; "Token Claim Name" - Name of the claim to insert into the token ; (empty value – 5XX answers - bug/fitcha) "Group prefix" - any PCRE regexp for filtering groups
In this field, you must specify the regexp by which groups within the given REALM will be filtered. Any regular expression (PCRE) must begin with the character "^" . Example: if there are groups with the following names:
- and for this client, only groups are needed:
- Beginning with g1-a-a
- All groups starting with g1- and ending with -a3
- for this, a regexp of the type is suitable: ^g1-a-a.+|^g1-.+-a3.+