convert rdf files into a graphML file.
Adds and fetch some info, hide and remove some other.
This script is done for creating visualization of rdf data. It converts rdf data into graphML data.
The graphML data may be opened with various graph vizualisation softwares.
I use Cytoscape.
One part is done for converting RDF in graphML
Some assumption are done.
The value of the following properties won't create new node.
- any value that is not an URI but a dataType (literal, date, integer or whatever).
In these cases, instead of creating new nodes, a node attribute is added. So it doesn't care if the property is declared as owl:objectProperty or owl:dataTypeProperty.
When a node is defined outside the local namespace (e.g. thesaurus URI), prefLabel
attribute is fetched from that remote URI.
For example
<> a crm:E12_Production ;
# the class declaration never creates edge to another node. create node attribute "class"
rdfs:label "Construction des grands moulins de Loire" ;
# the rdfs:label never creates edge . create node attribute "label"
dcterms:description "construction grands moulins de Loire" ;
# string value: won't create an edge to a string node
crm:p2_has_type <>,
# creates an edge to another node, get prefLabel for it
crm:P14_carried_out_by <> ;
# creates an edge to another node, get prefLLabel for it