- Leaflet Plugin to 📐 measure distances of simple lines as well as of complex polylines.
- Measuring in metric system (metre, kilometre), in imperial system (foot, landmile), or in nautical miles.
- Lines are drawn as realistic arcs. Bearings and distances are calculated considering Great.circle distance which is the shortest path between 2 points on Earth.
- To finish drawing a line just doubleclick, or singleclick onto the last (=orange) point, or press "ESC"-key.
- To continue a line after it has been finished, just hold the Ctrl-Key while clicking onto the last point of a line.
- Moving of line's points afterwards is possible by clicking and draging them. (This feature can not be guaranteed to work on every mobile browser using touch input, e.g. with Chrome Mobile it isn't working right now)
- Arrows indicating the real midways of the line's great-circle distances, not their optical middle which is different due to projection, especially in high latitudes.
- It is an evolution of jtreml's Plugin leaflet.measure since the original plugin hasn't been bugfixed for years. I modified it to work again with Leaflet v1.0 and newer (still runs with Leaflet v0.7) and added some optical improvements.
- Please take a look at Demo 1 (metre units, bearings, with Clear-button and Units-button) or Demo 2 (landmile units, without bearings, without Unit-button) or Demo 3 (nauticalmile units, bearings, without Unit-button and Clear-button) Demo 4 (two maps)
Add 2 code lines within your HTML-file to load the .css and .js files of the plugin:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ppete2.github.io/Leaflet.PolylineMeasure/Leaflet.PolylineMeasure.css" />
<script src="https://ppete2.github.io/Leaflet.PolylineMeasure/Leaflet.PolylineMeasure.js"></script>
Add 1 code line within your Javascript-file to add the plugin's control into your Leaflet map.
options = {
bearingTextIn: 'In' // language dependend label for inbound bearings
bearingTextOut: 'Out', // language dependend label for outbound bearings
bearingTextOut: 'Out', // language dependend label for outbound bearings
bindTooltipText: "Click and drag to <b>move point</b><br>Press CTRL-key and click to <b>resume line</b>",
// language dependend label for last point's tooltip
changeUnitsText: 'Change Units', // language dependend label for "Change units"-button
position: 'topleft', // Position to show the control. Possible values are: 'topright', 'topleft', 'bottomright', 'bottomleft'
unit: 'metres', // Show imperial or metric distances. Values: 'metres', 'landmiles', 'nauticalmiles'
showBearings: false, // Whether bearings are displayed within the tooltips
measureControlTitleOn: 'Turn on PolylineMeasure', // Title for the control going to be switched on
measureControlTitleOff: 'Turn off PolylineMeasure', // Title for the control going to be switched off
measureControlLabel: '↦', // HTML to place inside the control
measureControlClasses: [], // Classes to apply to the control
backgroundColor: '#8f8', // Background color for control when selected
cursor: 'crosshair', // Cursor type to show when creating measurements
clearMeasurementsOnStop: true, // Clear all the measurements when the control is unselected
showMeasurementsClearControl: false, // Show a control to clear all the measurements
clearControlTitle: 'Clear Measurements',// Title text to show on the clear measurements control button
clearControlLabel: '×', // Clear control inner html
clearControlClasses: [], // Collection of classes to add to clear control button
showUnitControl: false, // Show a control to change the units of measurements
tempLine: { // Styling settings for the temporary dashed line
color: '#00f', // Dashed line color
weight: 2 // Dashed line weight
fixedLine: { // Styling for the solid line
color: '#006', // Solid line color
weight: 2 // Solid line weight
startCircle: { // Style settings for circle marker indicating the starting point of the polyline
color: '#000', // Color of the border of the circle
weight: 1, // Weight of the circle
fillColor: '#0f0', // Fill color of the circle
fillOpacity: 1, // Fill opacity of the circle
radius: 3 // Radius of the circle
intermedCircle: { // Style settings for all circle markers between startCircle and endCircle
color: '#000', // Color of the border of the circle
weight: 1, // Weight of the circle
fillColor: '#ff0', // Fill color of the circle
fillOpacity: 1, // Fill opacity of the circle
radius: 3 // Radius of the circle
currentCircle: { // Style settings for circle marker indicating the latest point of the polyline during drawing a line
color: '#000', // Color of the border of the circle
weight: 1, // Weight of the circle
fillColor: '#f0f', // Fill color of the circle
fillOpacity: 1, // Fill opacity of the circle
radius: 3 // Radius of the circle
endCircle: { // Style settings for circle marker indicating the last point of the polyline
color: '#000', // Color of the border of the circle
weight: 1, // Weight of the circle
fillColor: '#f00', // Fill color of the circle
fillOpacity: 1, // Fill opacity of the circle
radius: 3 // Radius of the circle