Python client for interacting with the multiplayer web game It can be used to build bots to play the game in an automated fashion.
pip install -r requirements.txt
import generals
# 1v1
g = generals.Generals('your userid', 'your username', '1v1')
# ffa
# g = generals.Generals('your userid', 'your username', 'ffa')
# private game
# g = generals.Generals('your userid', 'your username', 'private', 'your gameid')
# 2v2 game
# g = generals.Generals('your userid', 'your username', 'team')
for update in g.get_updates():
# get position of your general
pi = update['player_index']
y, x = update['generals'][pi]
# move units from general to arbitrary square
for dy, dx in [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]:
if (0 <= y+dy < update['rows'] and 0 <= x+dx < update['cols']
and update['tile_grid'][y+dy][x+dx] != generals.MOUNTAIN):
g.move(y, x, y+dy, x+dx)