- git clone or download/extract a release tarball
git clone [email protected]/GothenburgBitFactory/taskwarrior
cd taskwarrior
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release .
# Assume ~/bin is in your path... put it where you like
cp src/task ~/bin/
- Add a new task, due in four hours
task add Build a new foo project:this due:+4h
- Make task /foo/ searches case-insensitive...
echo 'search.case.sensitive=no' >> ~/.taskrc
- Add a new task that depends on the first one, due at end of month
task add Build a new bar depends:1 project:this due:eom
List the tasks (default in ~/.task/pending.data):
Detail about task number 1:
task 1
Modify the project for task 1, and make it recur daily
task modify 1 project:that recur:daily
- Get completed tasks matching the string "foo"
task completed /foo/
- Export tasks as json
task export
- Delete task number 1
task rm 1