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Fixed option parsing (again) and added "f_spines" chunk option
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Reverted to old way to parse chunk options. Regex based version didn't
work for all options and the old one is more robust.

Added "f_spines" option to remove spines from generated figures.
Defaults to True (meaning keep spines, set False to remove spines from
generated figs.)
  • Loading branch information
Matti Pastell committed Nov 13, 2014
1 parent 6c86519 commit d7f7b4e
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Showing 4 changed files with 43 additions and 51 deletions.
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions pweave/
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Expand Up @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ def initformat(self):
indent = '',
termindent = '',
figfmt = '.png',
extension = 'md',
extension = 'txt',
width = '15 cm',
doctype = 'leanpub')

Expand All @@ -405,12 +405,18 @@ def formatfigure(self, chunk):
result = ""
figstring = ""

for fig in fignames:
figstring += '![](%s)\\\n' % (fig)
#print chunk["name"]

if chunk['caption']:
result += '![%s](%s)\n' % (caption, fignames[0])
if fignames:
result += '![%s](%s)\n' % (caption, fignames[0])
if (len(fignames) > 1):
for fig in fignames[1:]:
figstring += '![](%s)\n' % (fig)
sys.stderr.write("Warning, only the first figure gets a caption\n")
for fig in fignames:
figstring += '![](%s)\n' % (fig)
result += figstring

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,7 +508,6 @@ def formatfigure(self, chunk):


class PwebMDtoHTMLFormatter(PwebHTMLFormatter):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -631,6 +636,9 @@ def format_docchunk(self, chunk):
#self.formatted = pandoc.communicate()[0]

class PwebFormats(object):
"""Contains a dictionary of available output formats"""
formats = {'tex' : {'class' : PwebTexFormatter, 'description' : 'Latex with verbatim for code and results'},
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18 changes: 15 additions & 3 deletions pweave/
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Expand Up @@ -77,9 +77,13 @@ def _runcode(self, chunk):
if chunk.has_key("source"):
source = chunk["source"]
if os.path.isfile(source):
chunk["content"] = open(source, "r").read() + chunk['content']
chunk["content"] = "\n" + open(source, "r").read().rstrip() + "\n" + chunk['content']
chunk["content"] = self.loadstring("import inspect\nprint(inspect.getsource(%s))" % source) + chunk['content']
chunk_text = chunk["content"] #Get the text from chunk
module_text = self.loadstring("import inspect\nprint(inspect.getsource(%s))" % source) #Get the module source using inspect
chunk["content"] = module_text.rstrip()
if chunk_text.strip() != "":
chunk["content"] += "\n" + chunk_text

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,11 +189,19 @@ def savefigs(self, chunk):
for i in figs:
if not chunk["f_spines"]:
axes = plt.figure(i).axes
for ax in axes:

name = Pweb.figdir + '/' + prefix + "_" + str(i) + self.formatdict['figfmt']
for format in self.formatdict['savedformats']:
plt.savefig(Pweb.figdir + '/' + prefix + "_" + str(i) + format)

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pweave/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class Pweb(object):
f_pos = "htpb",
f_size = (8, 6),
f_env = None,
f_spines = True,
complete = True,
engine = "python"
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57 changes: 14 additions & 43 deletions pweave/
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Expand Up @@ -102,53 +102,24 @@ def parse(self):
chunks.append({"type" : "doc", "content" : read, "number" : docN})
self.parsed = chunks

def getoptions(self, opt):
"""Option format is "label, a = 1, b=2, c=3"
'label' does not have to exist."""
# what separates options?
opt_separate = ","
# how are options assigned?
opt_assign = "="

rel = re.match(self.code_begin, opt)
if not rel:
optstring = rel.groups()[0]
# Aliases for False and True to conform with Sweave syntax
FALSE = False
TRUE = True

#Parse options from chunk to a dictionary
optstring = opt.replace('<<', '').replace('>>=', '').strip()
if not optstring:
# separate out options without splitting up quoted strings
# that may contain more quoting characters
# copes with e.g. "what's up o'brien?"
opts_regex = r'''((?:[^{}"']|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+)'''.format(opt_separate)
# split on this regex and strip whitespace
opts = re.split(opts_regex, optstring)[1::2]
opts = [o.strip() for o in opts]

# First option can be a name/label without an =
if opt_assign not in opts[0]:
opts[0] = 'name=%s' % opts[0]

# split on first occurence of =
chunkoptions = dict(o.split(opt_assign, 1) for o in opts)
for key in chunkoptions:
# strip outer whitespace
chunkoptions[key] = chunkoptions[key].strip()
# strip outer quotes if matched
chunkoptions[key] = re.sub(r'^"(.*)"$', r'\1', chunkoptions[key])
chunkoptions[key] = re.sub(r"^'(.*)'$", r'\1', chunkoptions[key])
# replace boolean strings with boolean values
# all caps is sweave syntax. could use .lower() here to
# accept arbitrary capitalisation
value = chunkoptions[key]
if str(value) in ('True', 'TRUE'):
chunkoptions[key] = True
elif str(value) in ('False', 'FALSE'):
chunkoptions[key] = False
#First option can be a name/label
if optstring.split(',')[0].find('=')==-1:
splitted = optstring.split(',')
splitted[0] = 'name = "%s"' % splitted[0]
optstring = ','.join(splitted)

if 'label' in chunkoptions:
exec("chunkoptions = dict(" + optstring + ")")
if chunkoptions.has_key('label'):
chunkoptions['name'] = chunkoptions['label']

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