In this notebook I will attempt to cluster eCommerce item data by their names. The data is from an outdoor apparel brand's catalog. I want to use the item names to find similar items and group them together. For example, if it's a t-shirt it should belong in the t-shirt group.
The steps to accomplish this goal will be:
- Cleaning the data to just include the name (pandas)
- Transform the corpus into vector space using tf-idf (Sci Kit)
- Calculating cosine distance between each document as a measure of similarity (Sci Kit)
- Hierarchical Clustering and Dendrogram (Scipy)
- Cluster the documents with k-means (Sci Kit)
- Use MDS to reduce the dimension
- Plot the clusters (matplotlib)
The dataset consists of 500 actual SKUs from an outdoor apparel brand's product catalog downloaded from Kaggle (
I used as a reference for this project. He has a lot of interesting projects with great explanations in his blog.