Named after the Gala apple, Gala is a Ruby library for decrypting Apple Pay payment tokens.
Gala is available under the MIT License.
- For Ruby v2.3 and below, please use the legacy-ruby branch, or specify gala v0.3.2.
- For Ruby >= 2.4, use the master branch or specify gala v0.4 and above
Add gala
to your Gemfile
gem "gala", "~> 0.4.0"
If you need to track a development branch or reference functionality not yet contained in the RubyGem release you can specify the gala repo directly.
gem "gala", git: "", ref: :master
Then bundle install
to fetch Gala into your local environment.
Gala works by:
- Initializing an instance of
with the hash of values present in the Apple Pay token string (a JSON representation of this data). - Decrypting the token using the PEM formatted merchant certificate and private key (the latter of which, at least, is managed by a third-party such as a gateway or independent processor like Spreedly).
require "gala"
# token_json = raw token string you get from your iOS app
token_attrs = JSON.parse(token_json)
token =
certificate_pem ="mycert.pem")
private_key_pem ="private_key.pem")
decrypted_json = token.decrypt(certificate_pem, private_key_pem)
# =>
"paymentData"=> {
$ rake test
Finished in 0.017918 seconds.
To cut a new gem:
Make sure you have a RubyGems account and have setup your local gem credentials with something like this:
$ curl -u rwdaigle > ~/.gem/credentials; chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials
<enter rubygems account password>
If you are not yet listed as a gem owner, you will need to request access from @rwdaigle.
Build and release the gem with (all changes should be committed and pushed to Github):
$ rake release
- Remove unmaintained
gem dependency - Rely on Ruby 2.4 openssl support for aes-256-gcm ciphers (and specifying the initialization vector length).
- Setup CircleCI for more comprehensive Ruby version/compatibility testing
- Use Minitest instead of TestUnit to more seamlessly support higher Ruby versions
- Last planned release that supports < Ruby 2.4
- Use Shopify aead library for compatibility w/ Ruby >= v2.2
- Verify payment token signature