as a contreputer :
- Create a task Ticket in the project with the branch/task name and move it to "InProgress"
- CHECK WHERE YOU ARE (the branch you're working on)
- Clone the Repo
- Create Branch for ur task with the same name as the ticket ex: CT_LOGINPAGE
- start implementation
- Commit & Push >>> LOCAL = REMOTE
- Move the Task to Ready for Merge
- repeat until the feature/Sprint is done ex: CATALOGE finished as feature
- MASTER Branch>
- Integration Branch> ex: ZID_INTEGRATION
- Feature Branch> ex: Catalog
- Task Branch> ex: CT_LOGINPAGE
- Libraries
- Locators
- Global Variables
- Keywords (Actions)
- Locators
- button : btn ex: login_btn
- drop down button : ddb
- text field : field ex: "email_Field"
- radio button : Rbtn
- check box: chk
- Global varaibles ALL CAPS ex: "MD_LOGIN_EMAIL"
- local variables all small ex: "md_loging_email"
- Keywords
- Actions <Location_action> Ex: MD_LoginPage_EnterEmail
- TestCases
- PO File >> <P_Feature_Page> ex: P_Zidpay_Refund
- Test File >> <T_Feature_TestName> ex: T_Zidship_Activation
- Branch names >> <Module_Feature> ex: ZID_ZIDSHIP
-Check the Varibles naming convention.
-Check the affected files.
-Check the test cases naming so it's the same as in the test cases sheet.
-check that the steps of the TCs in the framework covers all the steps in the test cases sheet.
-Check that the TCs are dynamic and generic enough so we can maintain it easily.
-Don't merge results folder to the master branch.
-Run the TCs