This project would be be to build a visualization that could run on a tablet to show the schedule of a meeting room, including whether it is currently booked, and when the next available free slot is.
This project requires the JetBrains WebStorm IDE to run. It also requires Node package manager. This should be installed by the WebStorm installer.
Click on File > Open and select this project folder.
Once loaded, go into the Packages.json file and there should be a popup in the bottom right hand side of the screen asking to install dependencies. If not, open the project folder and run npm install
Once all the dependencies are downloaded, click the "play" button on the top right of the screen. This will spin up a web server and deploy the application. It should open Microsoft Edge once this is completed.
If you don't have edge or are on a mac, you may need to edit the scheme settings to open your default browser.
NOTE: The development schema has only been tested on chromium browsers, so if possible, use Edge.