Session on CLI.
Session on Git and Github
Version Control with Git - Udacity Video Course
GitHub & Collaboration - Udacity Video Course
Learn enough Git to be dangerous
Practice Link - Practice the Learn Git branching section
Gamified Tutorial - Learn the most common practices in the modern day Git Workflow.
- Java The Complete Reference, 9th edition or 10th edition - Read Online
- Head First Java - Read Online
Use -
- IntelliJ IDEA - Install
- Primitive & Reference types
- Type conversion & Casting
- Arrays
- Arithmetic
- Bitwise
- Relational
- Boolean
- Ternary Operator
- Operator Precedence
- Parenthesis
- Selection statements - if, switch
- Iteration statements (Loops) - for, while, do-while
- Jump statements - break, continue, return
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- What is an Exception?
- Hierarchy of Exceptions
- Exception Handling
- Throwing Exceptions
- Null Pointer Exception (NPE)
- Array Exceptions
- Try with resources
- Generics and Object
- Generic Methods
- Type Bounds
- Wildcards
- What are collections?
- List
- Set
- Queue and Stack
- Map
- LinkedList
- Iterator and iterable
- Collections util class
- Create Threads
- Synchronization
- Executors
- Collections and Thread-safety
- Enumerations
- Autoboxing
- Annotations (Metadata)
- String handling
- Lambda Expression
- Reflection
- Types of References
Get the IPL Dataset
In this data assignment you will transform raw data from IPL into some scenarios that will convey some meaning / analysis.
Download both csv files from
Code a Java program that will transform the raw csv data into a data structure into a Dictionary format.
- Number of matches played per year of all the years in IPL.
- Number of matches won of all teams over all the years of IPL.
- For the year 2016 get the extra runs conceded per team.
- For the year 2015 get the top economical bowlers.
- Create your own scenario.
Part 2
Using MySQL, solve the same above problems by getting data using SQL queries.
Time Complexity Summary (30 minutes) on mycodeschool - 4 videos
Complexity for recursive programs (8 minutes) on mycodeschool
(Optional) Additionally you can refer to the Algorithms and Data Structures course by Ravindrababu Ravula on youtube (First 6 videos cover ):
Create an account on Interviewbit and solve the practice problems in the Time Complexity section.
Watch videos.
Practice Data Munging problem (
Create proper classes. Try to apply OOPs concepts and do it using minimum amount of code.
Session Unit testing
Session Code Retreat
Developing Android Apps - Udacity video course
Advanced Android App Development - Udacity video course
Architecture - MVP, MVVM
Using services, notifications.
Material Design for Android Developers - Udacity video course
Gradle for Android - Udacity video course
Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmer on Udacity
Developing Android Apps with Kotlin on Udacity
Libraries - Android Job by Evernote, LeakCanary
Google Android Developer Videos on Youtube
Android Fundamentals on Google Codelabs
- RxAndroid
- Dagger 2
- LeakCanary
The final project of the bootcamp.
- User Personas - How to define a User Persona
- User Stories - Writing User Stories
- Wireframes - Website Wireframes
- API Contracts
- Trello Board for managing and prioritising user stories
- Gitlab Repository for managing the code
- Deployment link for the project