Mail driver for the Laravel framework to send emails using Microsoft Graph without user authentication and SMTP. Only specify the E-Mail-Address in the FROM-Header of the E-Mail and this Office 365 Package will send the E-Mail trough the Microsoft Graph-Api and put the sent E-Mail in the sender's Mailbox sent folder.
Key features:
- Send E-Mails with the Microsoft Graph-Api instead of the SMTP driver
- Automatically puts the E-Mail in the Sent folder of the user in the From-Header
- One Application per Organization
- Supports multiple Domains
- Supports large file attachments
- Faster and Error-less than the Office-365 SMTP
To use this package you have to register your application here. More informations here.
You can install the package with Composer, either run composer require motze92/office365-mail
, or edit your composer.json
For Laravel 9 please use
"require": {
"motze92/office365-mail": "^3.0"
For Laravel 8 please use
"require": {
"motze92/office365-mail": "^2.0"
For Laravel 6 and earlier please use
"require": {
"motze92/office365-mail": "^1.0"
To publish the config file use this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=office365mail
To obtain needed config values use this instructions:
- Open the Azure Active Directory-Portal) with your Office365 Admin-User
- Open the Section Manage > App-Registrations
- Create a new App
- Within the App under
>Application Permissions
add theMail.ReadWrite
and theMail.Send
permission (Microsoft Graph > Application Permissions > Mail > Mail.ReadWrite and Microsoft Graph > Application Permissions > Mail > Mail.Send) - After saving the permission apply the Admin-Permission for your organization
- In the Section Manage > Certificates and Secrets create a new Client Secret with Expiration = 24 months, this you need later for the
The Mail.ReadWrite
Permission is needed when sending large attachments (>4MB).
config/mail.php - add to mailer configuration array (
'office365mail' => [
'transport' => 'office365mail',
Moritz Mair, Matthias Radmüller, Merlin Mayr
Copyright (c) Moritz Mair. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.