What's new:
- motionEye: hidden folders are ignored when listing media files
- motionEye: media file listing performance improvements
- motionEye: added support for more network share security methods
- motionEye: added support for open wifi networks
- motionEye: SMTP passwords can now contain percent characters
- motionEye: the From field can now be customized when configuring email notifications
- OS: module parameters are now properly read from modprobe.conf (wifi power management is now disabled via these parameters)
- OS: fixed Windows 10 SMB compatibility issue
- OS: hostname is now customizable via UI
- OS: base path is now customizable via UI
- OS: wpa_supplicant: added EAP support
- OS: dmesg.log is now an actual file persisted across reboots
- OS: minor writeimage.sh fix to prevent a fork bomb