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Mothership Carousel

A jQuery image carousel, built by Mothership.

Basic usage

This library exposes a JQuery carousel function: carousel(options). A carousel is defined in the markup as a list of images within a block element. Calling .carousel() on the JQuery element will transform it into a carousel. Additional options may be passed into the carousel function.

<section class="carousel" id="carousel">
  <ul class="slides">
      <img src="img/slide1.jpg">
      <img src="img/slide2.jpg">
      <img src="img/slide3.jpg">


The image inside of each the slides may also be defined in a data attribute. For example

<li data-image="img/slide1"></li>

would work in the same way.


The zoom functionality allows a larger image to be displayed whilst hiding the carousel. The options relating to this are allowZoom, hideCarouselOnZoom, hideThumbsOnZoom and zoomElement.

A zoom element should either be passed to the plugin via the zoomElement option or specified in the data-zoom attribute, each slide should specify their own zoom images in their own data-zoom attributes. This element will be filled with the larger image when the carousel is clicked and hidden when the 'Close' button is clicked. If using a zoom element, a custom 'Close' button may be included. This button must have a class of unzoom.

hideCarouselOnZoom and hideThumbsOnZoom may be set to false to keep the carousel open when showing the zoomed image.

<section class="carousel" id="carousel" data-thumbs="#thumbs" data-zoom="#zoom">
  <ul class="slides">
    <li data-image="./img/normal/1.jpg"
    <li data-image="./img/normal/2.jpg"
    <li data-image="./img/normal/3.jpg"
<div id="zoom" class="carousel-zoom"></div>

    $('#carousel').carousel({ allowZoom: true });


There are three main ways to navigate the carousel: arrows, dots and thumbnails. Only arrows are enabled by default.

Arrows may be disabled by setting the useArrows option to false: $('#carousel').carousel({ useArrows: false }).

Similarly the "dots" and "thumbnails" can be enabled by setting the useDots and the useThumbs option to true. When enabling thumbnails you should also set the image to use as the thumbnail with a data attribute as well as which element should be used for the thumbnails.

Using thumbnails:

<section class="carousel" id="carousel" data-thumbs="#thumbs">
  <ul class="slides">
    <li data-thumb="img/thumbs/2_thumb.jpg">
      <img src="img/normal/2_norm.jpg">
    <li data-thumb="img/thumbs/3_thumb.jpg">
      <img src="img/normal/3_norm.jpg">
    <li data-thumb="img/thumbs/4_thumb.jpg">
      <img src="img/normal/4_norm.jpg">
<div id="thumbs" class="carousel thumbs"></div>

    $('#carousel').carousel({ useThumbs: true });

This will generate a new carousel in the thumbnail element and link it's slides to the controls.

Custom Animations

Custom animations may be defined in the animations option. These are functions which may be called when the goTo() function is called. They are sould be defined as function(carousel, slide, speed) and should modify the carousel.$slides to achieve a transition to the correct slide.

The following example defines a custom animation to fade between slides in animations and sets it as the animation to use in the animation option.

    animation: {
        type: 'custom'
    animations: {
        custom: function (carousel, slide, speed) {
            $.when(carousel.$slides.children().fadeOut()).done(function() {

You can also define CSS animations. Setting the animation type to "css" will make the carousel put an .active class on the current slide but leave the animation up to defined CSS. The test document "cssTest.html" defines a carousel which uses the .msc-css-fade class to animate.

Further examples

A document with example carousel setups is included in the example directory.


The options that may be passed in are as follows:

Option Default Type Description
useArrows true boolean Use arrow navigation if true.
arrowLeft undefined string|jquery The element or id of element to use as the left arrow contorl. If not set and useArrows is true, arrows will be generated.
arrowRight undefined string|jquery The element or id of element to use as the right arrow contorl. If not set and useArrows is true, arrows will be generated.
useDots false boolean Use dot navigation if true.
useThumbs false boolean Use thumbnail navigation if true.
thumbElement undefined string|jquery The element to use for thumbs. This may be set using the 'data-thumbs' attribute.
animation object object Animation settings object. Contains type (default "slide"): The type of animation to use, slide and none are available by default. More may be added by setting the 'animations' option. and speed (default 500): The animation speed.
animations object object Contains the animations that may be used by setting animation type.
imagesPerSlide 1 int The number of images to show at any one time.
allowZoom false boolean Allows zoom to a larger view if true.
zoomElement undefined string|jquery The element to insert the larger image view into. If undefined an element will be inserted after the carousel.
hideCarouselOnZoom true boolean Hide the carousel when a zoom happens.
hideThumbsOnZoom true boolean Hide the thumbnails when a zoom happens.
hideElementsOnZoom [] array Elements to hide on zoom.
thumbConfig object object The config to use when creating the Thumbnail carousel. It may take all the same options as the regular carousel. By default arrows are shown and imagesPerSlide is set to 2.6
automatic false boolean Whether to play automatically
automaticDelay 800 int Time between transitions when playing automatically
pauseOnInteraction true boolean Stops playing automatically after interaction with controls


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